Setting miscellaneous properties : Modifying general volume properties
Modifying general volume properties
You can view or modify the general property values for an Encyclopedia volume in Volumes—Properties—General using the following procedure.
How to modify general property values for an Encyclopedia volume
1 Log in to Configuration Console and choose Advanced view.
2 From the side menu, choose Volumes.
3 Choose the arrow next to the volume name, then choose Properties.
4 In Volumes—Properties—General, shown in Figure 15‑3, you can modify the schedule for purging notices, purging deleted files, the volume archive service provider, and the partition for the e-mail notification template.
Choose OK.
The properties you can set in Volumes—Properties—General are the same whether you are modifying an existing volume or creating a new volume, with the exception that you can specify the volume name when creating a volume.
Figure 15‑3 Modifying general property values for an Encyclopedia volume