Setting miscellaneous properties : Changing iHub system start‑up parameters
Changing iHub system start‑up parameters
Before starting the iHub system, you can specify an alternate configuration file as well as an alternate template for this iHub node to use. When you start the iHub system, iHub will use these resources.
How to modify start‑up parameters for iHub
1 Put iHub offline by choosing Stop on System—Status, as shown in Figure 15‑8.
Figure 15‑8 Putting iHub offline
2 On System—Status, choose Modify Start Parameters, as shown in Figure 15‑9.
Figure 15‑9 Choosing Modify Start Parameters
3 On System—Modify Start Parameters, set start-up parameters by performing the following tasks:
1 In Configuration home, type the path of the folder containing an alternate acserverconfig.xml. This folder must also contain acserverlicense.xml. By default, the location of acserverlicense.xml is AC_DATA_HOME/config/iHub2.
2 In Template name, type the name of the template that you want iHub to use, as shown in Figure 15‑10.
Figure 15‑10 System—Modify Start Parameters
3 Choose Test to verify that iHub recognizes the parameters. A message box appears, confirming that the test is successful. Choose OK, as shown in Figure 15‑11.
Figure 15‑11 Confirming that the parameters are valid
4 On System—Modify Start Parameters, choose Start.