Setting miscellaneous properties : About General
About General
In System—Properties—Advanced, the administrator can choose General to view or set values for the following properties:
*Cluster schema
Name of the iHub system schema
*Maximum number of user properties cache entries
Tunable property for holding a user’s expanded role information in a cache
*Enable Multi‑system mode
Supports joining multiple clusters together
*Startup arguments for the cluster JVM
Arguments passed to the JVM that communicates with the system schema
How to set general properties
1 On System—Properties—Advanced, choose General, as shown in Figure 15‑13.
Figure 15‑13 Viewing System—Properties—Advanced
2 On General, perform the following tasks:
1 Accept the default values for Cluster Schema, as shown on Figure 15‑14. Alternatively, specify a different schema.
2 In Maximum number of user properties cache entries, accept the default value, 500, or alternatively, specify a different value.
3 For Enable Multi‑system mode, accept the default value of unchecked, or alternatively, select the property.
4 In Startup arguments for the cluster JVM, accept the default arguments. Alternatively, modify these arguments.
Figure 15‑14 Configuring General