Setting miscellaneous properties : Using Printable Summary to view template properties
Using Printable Summary to view template properties
Server Configuration TemplatesSettingsPrintable Summary provides an HTML-formatted document containing a text summary of template property settings for an administrator to view or print. This summary contains the settings for the following template property groups:
*Template, including Diagnostic Logging, Process Management, Queue Resource Management, and other miscellaneous properties
*View, Factory, Message Distribution, Caching, and Integration services
How to use Printable Summary to view template properties
The administrator can view this summary of template property settings by performing the following tasks:
1 Log in to Configuration Console, choose Advanced view, then choose Server Configuration Templates.
2 On Server Configuration Templates, choose a template.
3 On Settings, choose Printable Summary.
An HTML-formatted document appears, displaying a detailed list of the template and View, Factory, Message Distribution, Caching, and Integration service properties, as shown in Figure 15‑24.
Figure 15‑24 Viewing the template properties summary