Adding a partition
Add a partition before attempting to add a new Encyclopedia volume to iHub.
How to add a partition to iHub
1 Make a directory for the partition on the physical drive of the machine or storage device that iHub can access. For example, make a directory called encyc2 in AC_DATA_HOME.
2 From Advanced view of Configuration Console, choose Partitions.
3 In Partitions, choose Add partition.
4 In Partition name, specify a name. For example, name the partition, Partition2.
In Partition Path, specify the fully qualified path to the partition directory, as shown in
Figure 2‑3. Choose OK.
Figure 2‑3 Adding a partition
5 In Partitions, choose the new partition, Partition2, from the list of partitions, as shown in
Figure 2‑4.
Figure 2‑4 Choosing the new partition
6 In Server Settings, choose Test, as shown in
Figure 2‑5.
Figure 2‑5 Testing the new partition
If the test succeeds, the message in
Figure 2‑6 appears. If the test fails, check that the directory named in the partition path exists.
Figure 2‑6 Choosing OK after successful partition path test
Choose OK.