Configuring an Encyclopedia volume : Working with databases, schemas, and volumes : Configuring a metadata database
Configuring a metadata database
On Volumes, an administrator can create, configure, or delete a metadata database used to contain Encyclopedia volume schema.
How to add a metadata database
1 Log in to Configuration Console and choose Advanced view. From the side menu, choose Volumes.
2 Point to the icon next to the Metadata Database heading and choose Add new metadata database, as shown in Figure 2‑9.
Figure 2‑9 Choosing to add a new metadata database
3 On New Metadata Database, as shown in Figure 2‑10, perform the following tasks:
1 In Metadata database name, type a name for the metadata database.
2 In Database type, select the type of database to create.
3 In Database server, type the host name of the machine containing the database, such as localhost.
4 In Database name, type a name for the database.
5 In Connection login, type the database user name.
6 In Connection password, type the database user name password.
7 In Database port, specify a port number, or accept the default value.
Choose OK.
Figure 2‑10 Adding a new metadata database
How to edit metadata database properties
1 On Volumes, point to the icon next to a database and choose Properties.
2 On Metadata Database, the settings are the same as when you add a new metadata database, except that when editing database properties, Metadata Database includes the option to confirm the connection password if you change it. Choose Advanced.
3 On Advanced, choose MetadataDatabaseProperties.
4 On MetadataDatabaseProperties, as shown in Figure 2‑11, you can specify the following additional database properties:
*Type of database
*Database tablespace name
*Database tablespace path
*Super user name
*Super user password
Figure 2‑11 Setting additional metadata database properties
5 On Advanced, choose Database Connection Pool Manager Settings.
6 On Database Connection Pool Manager Settings, as shown in Figure 2‑12, you can specify the following database connection properties:
*Initial size of the connection pool
*Minimum number of open connections in the connection pool
*Maximum number of open connections in the connection pool
*Maximum number of open connections in the internal connection pool
*Maximum number of open connections in the system connection pool
*Maximum number of open connections in the cluster connection pool
*Maximum idle time for a connection before removing it from the connection pool
*Max connection wait time in seconds
*Max query execution time in seconds (use zero value to indicate no limit)
*PreparedStatement cache size per connection (use zero value to indicate no caching)
To acquire a new JDBC connection for each database query, type a value of 0 in Minimum number of open connections in the connection pool and in Maximum number of open connections in the connection pool.
Figure 2‑12 Configuring database connection pool manager settings