Configuring an Encyclopedia volume : Working with databases, schemas, and volumes : Specifying a hyperlink in a PDF document
Specifying a hyperlink in a PDF document
The context string in which a job runs is not available in the background job that generates a PDF document. To specify a hyperlink, such as a drill-through hyperlink, containing the appropriate Information Console context string in a PDF document, the administrator must specify the Information Console URL prefix by performing one of the following tasks:
*In Configuration Console, update the setting for Information Console URL prefix in VolumesProperties.
*In acserverconfig.xml, manually edit the setting for IPortalURLPrefix.
How to update the setting for Information Console URL prefix
1 Open Configuration Console. Choose Advanced view.
2 In Advanced view, navigate to VolumesProperties.
3 In Information Console URL prefix, type the context string, as shown in Figure 2‑27. For example, type:
4 Choose OK.
Configuration Console updates the setting for the system variable, IPortalURLPrefix, in acserverconfig.xml in AC_DATA_HOME\config\iHub2.
Figure 2‑27 Specifying Information Console URL prefix
How to manually edit the setting for IPortalURLPrefix
1 In Windows Explorer, navigate to AC_DATA_HOME\config\iHub2.
2 Open acserverconfig.xml in a text editor.
3 In acserverconfig.xml, edit the <Volume> setting, IPortalURLprefix, to contain the appropriate Information Console context string, as shown in Listing 2‑1. For example, type:
4 Save the file.
Listing 2‑1 shows an example of an edited setting for IPortalURLprefix in acserverconfig.xml.
Listing 2‑1 Creating a .bat file to point iHub to portserv.exe
It is not necessary to restart iHub after changing the setting for IPortalURLPrefix. In AC_SERVER_HOME/etc, acmetadescription.xml specifies that any change to IPortalURLPrefix takes effect immediately, as shown in the following code excerpt:
DisplayName="IPortal URL Prefix"