Archiving files : Using the online archive driver : Modifying the online archive configuration file
Modifying the online archive configuration file
Listing 12‑1 shows the default online archive configuration file. You can modify the parameters described in Table 12‑1.
Listing 12‑1 Default online archive configuration file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
--TargetServer, TargetSOAPPort: [Required] -->
-- Name or IP of server and port for connecting to -->
-- the SOAP dispatcher service of the target volume -->
--ArchiveVolume: [Required] -->
-- Name of target volume to copy archived files to -->
--AdminUser, AdminPassword: [Required] -->
-- Name and password of a user in the target volume -->
-- that belongs to the Administrator role -->
--RetainTimestamp: [Optional, default: false] -->
-- Whether timestamp of archived file is preserved -->
--RetainOwner: [Optional, default: false] -->
-- Whether Owner of archived file is preserved -->
--RetainPermission: [Optional, default: false] -->
-- Whether Permission (ACL) of archived file is -->
-- preserved -->
--CopyDependOnFile: [Optional, default: true] -->
-- Whether files depended on by archived file are -->
-- copied -->
--CreateUserRole: [Optional, default: true] -->
-- Whether to create missing user or roles in target -->
-- volume in order to retain Owner or Permissions -->
--ArchiveRoot: [Optional, default: /] -->
-- Root encyc folder for all archived files -->
--CreateArchiveSubFolder: [Optional, default: true] -->
-- Whether to create a timestamp dependent subfolder -->
-- under ArchiveRoot for each archive session -->
-- LogLevel: [Optional, default: Summary] -->
-- Level of detail in log file. Valid values are: -->
-- Summary, Detail and Trace -->
Table 12‑1 describes the parameters in the online archive configuration file for the Encyclopedia volume that stores the archive.
Table 12‑1 Online archive configuration file parameters
Machine name or IP address to use to connect to the Encyclopedia volume that holds the archived files. Required.
Port number that the iHub SOAP Dispatch service uses to connect to the Encyclopedia volume. Required.
Encyclopedia volume name. The default value is DefaultVolume. Required.
Encyclopedia volume user name. The user must belong to the Administrator role.
Password of the user specified by the AdminUser parameter. Required.
Flag for archiving the file’s time stamp. The default value is false.
Flag for archiving the name of the file’s owner. The default value is false.
Flag for archiving the file’s permissions. The default value is false.
Flag for archiving the file’s dependency list. The default value is true.
Flag for creating missing user or roles in the archive Encyclopedia volume to retain the file’s owner or permission information. The default value is true.
Encyclopedia volume archive session root folder. The default value is /, the Encyclopedia volume root folder.
Flag for creating a time stamp dependent subfolder under ArchiveRoot for each archive session. The default value is true.
The level of detail for information in the log. Valid values are Summary, Detail, and Trace. The default value is Summary.
The online archive driver applies changes to the configuration file when iHub runs the driver. Changes do not affect any archiving already in process.