Connecting to data sources : Using a connection pool : Setting the Encyclopedia engine connection pool reap interval
Setting the Encyclopedia engine connection pool reap interval
The connection pool reap interval specifies the time, in seconds, between runs of the maintenance thread. When the maintenance thread runs, it discards any connections that remain unused for longer than the specified time.
The administrator sets the default connection pool reap interval by performing the following tasks:
1 Log in to Configuration Console and choose Advanced view.
2 Choose Server Configuration Templates. On Settings, expand the iHub folder. Choose Encyclopedia Engine.
3 In Default connection pool reap interval in seconds, accept the default value, 600, as shown in Figure 14‑6. Alternatively, type a new value, from 0 to 86400. To disable the pool maintenance thread, set the interval to 0.
Figure 14‑6 Specifying default connection reap interval