You can limit the data that the chart displays by applying a filter. Usually, you filter data as you create a data set in Data Explorer. If you already started designing a chart, you can filter the data in the chart builder to prevent losing work on the chart. You choose Filters in the Select Data page, as shown in Figure 20‑23.
Figure 20‑23 Options for filtering data from the chart builder
In Filters, shown in Figure 20‑24, you construct the expression to filter the data. As you learned earlier, you select the expression, operator, and values from the drop-down list, which contains only valid options.
Figure 20‑24 Filtering data by date
To define multiple filters, select <New Filter Here> in an empty row. Then, select a set of options. To re-order a list of filters, select a filter, then use the up or down arrow to move the selected filter up or down the list.