To highlight intervals at which data values correspond to an axis, you can modify the line style of an axis and optionally, add tick marks. Major and minor tick marks highlight large and small intervals along an axis. An axis typically appears with major tick marks that are positioned across the axis at regular intervals, such as 5, 10, or 50 units. Major tick marks appear in a higher line weight than minor tick marks. You can change the position of tick marks relative to the axis line. For example, you can position tick marks to the left or right of a vertical axis or above or below a horizontal axis. Figure 21‑82 shows different tick mark settings for a y‑axis.
Figure 21‑82 Tick mark positions
To make comparing series values easier, you can add grid lines to a chart. A grid line extends from an axis and spans the plot area. For example, the bar chart shown in Figure 21‑83 uses y-axis grid lines to help a reader distinguish data points. When you add major or minor grid lines to an axis, the chart includes a grid line for each major or minor interval on the axis. Like tick marks, major grid lines appear in a higher line weight than minor grid lines.
Figure 21‑83 Y-axis grid lines
To modify an axis line, navigate to the Format Chart section for the axis, then choose Gridlines. Select options in Axis Gridlines to format the axis lines, tick marks, and grid lines. Figure 21‑84 shows formatting options grid lines that extend from the x-axis of a 2D chart.
Figure 21‑84 Axis Gridlines formatting options
To modify axis tick marks, navigate to the Format Chart section for the axis, then choose Gridlines. Use the Gridlines settings to format the tick marks, as shown in Figure 21‑84. You can modify major or minor tick mark settings.
To add or modify grid lines, navigate to the Format Chart section for the axis, then choose Gridlines. Use the settings to add or change the axis grid lines, as shown in Figure 21‑84. You can modify major or minor division settings.