You can specify which colors a series uses. Charts that have axes, such as line and stock charts, use varied colors to distinguish between different value series. When a bar chart uses more than one set of bars, the default behavior is to show each set in a different color. If a bar chart uses only one set of bars, the bars are the same color. Figure 21‑99 and Figure 21‑100 show charts using the default settings.
Figure 21‑99 Default series colors for a chart using one value series
Figure 21‑100 Default series colors for a chart using series grouping
In charts that have axes, you can choose to color the chart by category series instead. This approach is useful when you have only one value series, but you want to show variously colored series elements, as in the chart in Figure 21‑101. The chart uses one value series, but shows each bar in the series in a different color. Coloring the chart by category series also displays the category series items, rather than the value series items, in the legend.
Figure 21‑101 Varied colors in a chart using one value series
Pie charts and meter charts work differently. By default, a bar or a meter chart varies the category series colors to show each pie sector or needle in a different color, as shown in Figure 21‑102.
Figure 21‑102 Pie chart colored by category series
When first created, a chart uses default colors for series elements. To select different colors, modify the series palette. The chart uses the colors selected in the selection order in the palette list. If the chart shows more series elements than there are colors in the palette, it uses some colors more than once.
To specify the colors used in the chart, navigate to the Series section of Format Chart, then choose Series Palette to see the options shown in Figure 21‑103.
Figure 21‑103 Series Palette
Use the following settings to modify the series palette:
To set an element in the chart to use particular colors, find the color in the palette, and move that color to the top of the palette.
To add a new color, select the color drop-down list to the right of Add, and use the color picker to select or create a color. When finished, choose Add.
To remove a color, select the color in the list, and choose Remove.
To modify a color, select it, then use the color picker to select or create a color.
When you finish adjusting the color palette, close Series Palette, then choose Finish in the chart builder.
You can also color by value series to show all the sectors in a pie or all the needles on a meter in the same color. For example, Figure 21‑104 shows the same pie chart, colored by value series.
Figure 21‑104 Pie chart colored by value series
To determine which data the legend displays, navigate to the Series section of Format Chart, then use Color By to select Value Series or Categories.
Formatting numbers, dates, and times
You can format numbers, dates, or times that the chart displays in a variety of ways. Format numbers and produce multiples of them in the following ways:
Add a prefix, such as a currency symbol.
Multiply values by a number, such as 100.
Add a suffix to a number value, such as the word million.
Determine the number of decimal places that numbers include.
Specify a number format pattern, such as #.###, which formats numbers using a point as the thousands separator.
Format the following attributes of dates and times:
Use a standard format, including Long, Short, Medium, and Full.
Specify that the format is Date or Date Time.
Specify a pattern such as MMMM to show only the month value, or dddd to show only the day value, for example, Wednesday.
How to format a number
1 In the chart builder, navigate to Values Series and choose Labels.
2 In Values, select Value Data, Category Data, or Percentile Value Data, as shown in Figure 21‑105.
Figure 21‑105 Selecting numerical data to format
3 Choose Edit Format.
If the selection you made in the previous step represents numerical data, Edit Format appears. If the selection you made in the previous step does not represent numerical data, Edit Format is not available.
4 From the Data Type drop-down list, choose Number to see the number format options. Figure 21‑106 shows the options.
Figure 21‑106 Format options for numeric data
5 To add a prefix, multiplier, or suffix, or to specify the number of decimal places, select Standard, then specify the following format settings:
Type a value in Prefix to add a number prefix.
Type a number by which to multiply expression values in Multiplier to multiply values by a number.
Type the value in Suffix to add a number suffix.
Select the number in Fraction Digits to specify the number of decimal places to use.
6 To use a custom number pattern, select Advanced, then specify the following format settings:
Type the number by which to multiply expression values in Multiplier to multiply values by a number.
Type the pattern string in Pattern to specify a number format pattern.
7 To use a custom fraction format, select Fraction, then specify the following format settings:
A delimiter symbol, such as slash (/).
A prefix, by typing the value in Prefix.
A suffix, by typing the value in Suffix.
Select Approximate to define guidelines for representing fractions rather than using the default, then provide a suggested numerator or the suggested maximum number of denominator digits. For example, to show fractions with single-digit denominators such as 1/2 or 3/8, supply 1 as the maximum number of denominator digits.
8 When you finish defining the format, choose OK.
How to format a date and time
1 In the chart builder, navigate to Values Series and choose Labels.
2 In Values, select date-and-time data to modify, and choose Format Editor.
3 In Data Type, choose Date/Time. Figure 21‑107 shows Date/Time options.
Figure 21‑107 Format options for date-and-time data
4 To use a predefined format type, select Standard, then specify the following format options:
Select a format value in Type.
In Details, select Date or Date Time.
5 To use a custom format pattern, select Advanced, then type the custom format string in Pattern.