Configuring the default export options for a BIRT report
You can export a BIRT report to various formats from the Web Viewer. These formats include docx, pptx, xls, xlsx, pdf, ps, doc, and ppt. You can configure the default export options by creating a RenderDefaults.cfg file that contains name‑value pairs for the appropriate options. You must create a separate RenderDefaults.cfg file for each format. For example, when you export a BIRT report to XLSX, RenderDefaults.cfg can set Enable pivot table to false by default. Place RenderDefaults.cfg in the following locations:
For iHub, place RenderDefaults.cfg in:
When you create or modify RenderDefaults.cfg, you must restart iHub.
For BIRT Designer, place RenderDefaults.cfg in:
The configuration file format should follow these rules:
All settings should be entered in key = value format.
Key names are case‑sensitive.
String and Boolean values are not case‑sensitive.
The values true and false are acceptable for Boolean properties.
Any other value, different than true and false is interpreted as false.
Listing 49‑2 shows an example of RenderDefaults.cfg for a print stream emitter.
Listing 49‑2 RenderDefaults.cfg for print stream emitter
# This file contains the default values to use when emitting print
# stream content.
# All settings are entered in 'key = value' format.
# Key names are case sensitive, but string and boolean values are
# not.
# The values 'true' and 'false' are acceptable for booleans.
# Any other value specified will be interpreted as false.
# Omitting any setting from this file causes the emitter to fall
# back to internal defaults.
# The plex mode for the print job.
# Valid values are Simplex, Duplex, and Tumble.
# Default: Simplex
xifRenderOption.plexMode = Simplex
# The DPI to use for rendered pages. Valid values are 240,300,600,
# and 1440.
# Default: 240
afpRenderOption.pageDPI = 240
# Option to allow black and white images.
# Default: True
afpRenderOption.allowBlackAndWhiteImg = true
# Option to allow single color images.
# Default: True
afpRenderOption.allowSingleColorImg = true
# Option to allow grayscale images.
# Default: True
afpRenderOption.allowGrayscaleImg = true
# Option to allow full color RBG images.
# Default: True
afpRenderOption.allowFullColorRGBImg = true
# Option to allow full color CMYK images.
# Default: True
afpRenderOption.allowFullColorCMYKImg = true
For information about creating a RenderDefaults.cfg file, see Using Visualization Platform .