By default, new reports that you create use a set of themes that apply formatting to charts, gadgets, tables, and cross tabs. Figure 8‑8 shows a table with the default formats.
Figure 8‑8 Table with the default formats
The themes are defined in a library, ThemesReportItems3.rptlibrary, which is added to every new report.
To apply your own themes or styles in a report, disable the default themes by doing one of the following:
When creating a new report using the New Report wizard, remove the selection for Include the default themes. Figure 8‑9 shows this option selected, which is the default.
Figure 8‑9 Include the default themes selected by default
If a report already includes the default themes, in the Outline view, expand Libraries, then right-click ThemesReportItems3 and choose Remove Library, as shown in Figure 8‑10.
Figure 8‑10 Removing ThemesReportItems3.rptlibrary from a report
The previous procedures remove all the default themes from a report. You can, however, choose to remove themes from specific report elements while maintaining default themes for other report elements. Figure 8‑11 shows an example of removing a default theme, ThemesReportItems3.default-table, from a table by setting the Theme property to None.
Figure 8‑11 Setting a table’s Theme property to None