Each BIRT application supports multiple entry points depending on the files included in the BIRT application. Each entry point is a URL that gives users access to a file in the BIRT application. Table 3‑2 lists the URL conventions supported when a BIRT application is deployed.
Table 3‑2 URL conventions
URL address
Opens file in the BIRT application
the selected file in the selected folder
Each URL starts with the URL of Visualization Platform.
For example, to open the index.html file in the BIRT application use the URL:
<host> is the name or IP address of the web server hosting the Visualization Platform web application.
<port> is the TCP port assigned to the Visualization Platform web application.
<appname>/ is the name of the BIRT application. The / after the application name is required.
To open a file in the BIRT application use the following URL:
<folder> is the name of the folder or folders where the selected file is located. No folder name is necessary if the file is in the BIRT application root.
<file> is the name of the file to open or download.
Table 3‑3 lists the actions triggered when opening a file in a BIRT application. Other file types are opened in the web browser as downloaded files.