The background color of the chart can be a standard color, a custom color, or a color gradient. You can use an image in the background. You can also use a transparent background. A transparent background displays the background color of the report page on which it appears.
How to set a chart’s background color
1 In the chart builder, choose Format Chart, then navigate to the Chart Area section. Use the list on the left to navigate among sections. Figure 21‑43 shows the Chart Area section.
Figure 21‑43 Background option in the Chart Area section
2 Choose Background. The color palette opens, as shown in Figure 21‑44.
Figure 21‑44 Color palette
3 Use the color palette to select a background color or image as follows:
To use one of the basic colors, select a color from the palette.
To use a transparent background, use the Opacity scroll tool to set the opacity to 0, then press Enter.
To use a gradient color, choose Gradient. In Gradient Editor, select a start color, end color, and rotation for the gradient pattern, as shown in Figure 21‑45.
Figure 21‑45 Setting colors and rotation for a gradient color
To use a custom color, choose Custom Color to show the custom color list, then select a color.
To use a background image, choose Image, then use Open to navigate to and select the image to use.
The background color or image appears in the chart builder.
4 To apply the color to the chart, choose Finish.
To define a custom color, on the color list, choose Define Custom Colors to show the custom color palette, as shown in Figure 21‑46.
Figure 21‑46 Color palette including custom color options
Use the options to select or define a custom color. When you finish, choose Add to Custom Colors, then choose OK.