The axis data type and format determine how the chart builder arranges the data that appears on an axis. An axis has one of the following data types:
This axis type spaces values evenly.
This axis type spaces values based on the ratio of their values. For example, values 1 and 10 are the same distance apart as 10 and 100.
This axis type shows data on a date or time scale.
This axis type displays text only and spaces words evenly. The location of a data point on a text axis does not indicate its size. Typically, a text axis is a category axis.
How to set the data type and format of an axis
1 In Format Chart, navigate to the axis section.
2 In Type, select a data type from the list, as shown in Figure 21‑90.
Figure 21‑90 X-Axis section of Format Chart
3 Choose Format Editor.
The Edit Format dialog box displays options for the data type of the axis. Figure 21‑91 shows options for the Date/Time data type.