Typically, measures are field values that are aggregated using one of the standard aggregate functions. You can also define a measure, called a derived measure, that involves a more complex calculation. For example, instead of displaying just sales totals by product line and by territory, the cross tab can also display the product line sales totals as a percentage of the territory total, as shown in Figure 23‑45.
Figure 23‑45 Cross tab displaying two measures, one a derived measure calculating product line totals as a percent of the state total
How to create a derived measure
1 Click the button next to a data element that displays a measure, as shown in Figure 23‑46.
Figure 23‑46 Displaying a menu for a selected measure in the cross tab
2 Choose Add Derived Measure.
3 In Derived Measure, specify the following information:
In Name, type a name for the derived measure.
In Data Type, select a data type appropriate for the data returned by the expression you specify next. For a derived measure, you typically select Float or Integer.
In Expression, specify the expression that evaluates to the data to return. Use the expression builder to construct the expression. Figure 23‑47 shows an example of an expression for calculating the product line sales total as a percentage of the state total. The expression uses column bindings defined in the cross tab.
Figure 23‑47 The expression builder showing an expression
Figure 23‑48 shows an example of a complete definition for a derived measure.
Figure 23‑48 Defining a derived measure in a cross tab
4 Choose OK to save the derived measure.
In the layout editor, the cross tab displays the derived measure next to the measure you selected in the first step.