Typically, you format string data to fix inconsistent or poorly formatted data that is retrieved from the data source. The data source, for example, can store names with inconsistent capitalization or phone numbers in 1234567890 format. To fix these problems, specify the desired string format.
Display string data using either a text element or a data element, depending on what you want to accomplish. When you drag a data set field from Data Explorer and drop it on the report page in the layout editor, BIRT Report Designer creates a data element to display the values of the data set field. The procedure for formatting data differs for a data element and a text element, and is described in the following sections.
Formatting text in a data element
Specify a text format by setting the data element’s Format String property, as shown in Figure 11‑5.
Figure 11‑5 Format String property values
Table 11‑4 describes the available string formats.
Table 11‑4 Examples of string formats
Format type
Example of data appearance
Converts the string to lowercase
Converts the string to uppercase
You can also define custom string formats using special symbols. Table 11‑5 describes these symbols.
Table 11‑5 Symbols for defining custom string formats
Converts string characters to uppercase.
Converts string characters to lowercase.
Character placeholder. Each @ character displays a character in the string. If the string has fewer characters than the number of @ symbols in the format pattern, spaces appear. Placeholders are filled from right to left, unless you specify an exclamation point (!) at the beginning of the format pattern. See Table 11‑6 for examples.
Same as @, except that if the string has fewer characters, spaces do not appear. See Table 11‑6 for examples.
Specifies that placeholders are to be filled from left to right. See Table 11‑6 for examples.
Table 11‑6 shows examples of custom format patterns and their effects on text data.
Table 11‑6 Results of custom string format patterns
Format pattern
Data in data source
(@@@) @@@-@@@@
6175551007 5551007
(617) 555-1007 ( ) 555-1007
(&&&) &&&-&&&&
6175551007 5551007
(617) 555-1007 () 555-1007
!(@@@) @@@-@@@@
6175551007 5551007
(617) 555-1007 (555) 100-7
!(&&&) &&&-&&&&
6175551007 5551007
(617) 555-1007 (555) 100-7
!(@@@) @@@-@@@@ + ext 9
(555) 100-7 + ext 9
!(&&&) &&&-&&&& + ext 9
(555) 100-7 + ext 9
Formatting text data in a text element
To insert dynamic data in a text element, use the VALUE-OF tag. To format the dynamic data, include a format attribute that specifies the format, as shown in the following examples: