In a BIRT report, an HTML button is a report element that provides the same functionality as a button defined with the HTML <button> tag in a web page. The HTML button can execute client-side JavaScript code associated with button events, such as a button click or double-click.
You can use HTML buttons to provide users with custom interactive reporting functionality. For example, you can create HTML buttons that, when clicked, filter data, hide or show data, sort data, link to another report, or perform calculations.
Figure 31‑1 shows Actuate Viewer displaying a product sales report that contains three buttons at the top. Each button provides a different data filtering option. The user can choose to view all product sales, the top ten products, or the bottom ten products. The report in Figure 31‑1 shows the top ten products.
Figure 31‑1 Report with HTML buttons that provide different data filtering options
You can also use HTML buttons to integrate a report with other enterprise applications. Figure 31‑2 shows an example of a report that uses Check Inventory and Process Order buttons to link to business processes that run in a different application.
The HTML button is supported in HTML reports only. It does not work in other output formats, such as PDF or Excel, and appears as static text in those documents. If a report is to be viewed in formats other than HTML, use the Visibility property to hide HTML buttons in all output formats, except HTML.
Figure 31‑2 Report with HTML buttons that link to business processes