Use a list element to display dynamic data in any format other than rows and columns. For example, use the list element to create form letters, one for each customer in a data set. Figure 9‑11 shows an example PDF report that displays a series of form letters. Each letter is the same except for the recipient’s name, which is dynamically derived from a customer name field.
Figure 9‑11 The list element supports the creation of form letters using dynamic data
When you place a list on the page, the layout editor displays the structure that appears in Figure 9‑12.
Figure 9‑12 List structure
Deciding where to place elements in a list
Like the table, the list iterates through all the data rows that a data set returns to display data. Table 9‑3 describes the three areas in a list.
Table 9‑3 List area descriptions
List area
Elements that you place in Header appear once, at the beginning of the section. For example, display introductory information, such as a description of the report.
Elements that you place in Detail display dynamic data. The amount of data that appears is determined by the number of data rows that your data set returns. For example, print a letter for each customer in the data set.
Elements that you place in Footer appear once, at the end of the section. For example, display summary information, such as the number of records in the report.
Figure 9‑13 shows a list layout that displays a form letter for each customer. The form letter is created using a text element that contains HTML formatting. The generated report displays the form letters that appear in Figure 9‑11.
Figure 9‑13 shows the most basic use of the list element. Typically, you use the list element to present data in more complex layouts. For example, you need a report that consists of many subreports. Each subreport goes to a single customer and consists of a cover letter, a summary account statement, and a detailed statement. To create this type of report, you define data sets that return each customer and the required account information, use grids and tables to create each section of the subreport, and place all the sections in a list element. For an example that shows the use of a list to organize subreports, see Building a report that contains subreports.
Figure 9‑13 List element containing a text element in the detail area
Binding a list to a data set
Like the table, a list must be bound to a data set if the elements within the list need to access data set data. The binding principles and procedures for the table are the same for the list.