After completing all the localization tasks, preview the report in all the locales that it supports to verify that the localized text appears properly. BIRT Report Designer provides an easy way to preview a report in any locale without changing your machine’s locale. You can test the report in a different locale by setting the locale option in BIRT’s preview preferences.
How to preview a report in a different locale
1 Choose Window➛Preferences.
2 On the left side of the dialog, expand Report Design, then choose Preview. The preview properties appear, as shown in Figure 29‑18.
Figure 29‑18 Preview preferences in BIRT Report Designer
3 In Choose your locale, select a locale in which to preview the report, then choose OK. The selected locale applies only to previewed reports. It does not change the locale that your machine uses, nor does it change the localized text that appears in the report design.
4 Preview the report. The localized text appears in the language for the selected locale.
5 To preview the report in another language, repeat the previous steps to select a new locale.