Localize static text in a chart, such as the chart title and axis titles, by assigning a resource key to the chart text. You can only select an existing key. If the key that you want to use for the chart text is not available, edit the resource file to add a new key. Information about this task appears later in this section.
How to assign a resource key to chart text
1 In the layout editor, double-click the chart element to open the chart builder, then choose Format Chart.
2 Navigate to the section for the chart part to localize. For example, to localize the chart title, navigate to the Chart Area section. To localize the y‑axis title, navigate to the Y-Axis section. Figure 29‑7 shows the portion of the chart builder that you use to work with the y-axis.
Figure 29‑7 Localizing title text on the y-axis
3 Choose the button that is next to the field to localize. For example, in Figure 29‑7, choose the button at the right of the Title field.
Externalize Text appears, as shown in Figure 29‑8. Lookup Key displays, by default, the first key in the resource file. Default Value displays the current text label applied to the chart element.
Figure 29‑8 Externalize Text displaying default settings
4 Assign a resource key to the chart text as follows:
1 Select Externalize Text. The list of resource keys is enabled in the drop‑down list that is next to Lookup Key.
2 From the drop-down list, select a key to assign to the chart text. The value that corresponds to the key that you selected appears in Externalized Value, as shown in Figure 29‑9.
Figure 29‑9 Resource key and its externalized value
3 Choose OK.
The Title field in Edit Chart shows the title’s display value. To use a different resource key, choose the button to open the Externalize Text dialog, and select a different key from the Lookup Key list.
5 Choose Finish to close the chart builder and return to the layout editor. In the report design, the chart text displays the value that corresponds to the key that you selected.