By default, the default values that you specify and the values that you import to display in a list box, combo box, or radio buttons appear exactly as they are stored in the data source. Sometimes, the values are not in a format that is appropriate for display. For example, US telephone numbers might be stored in ########## format. It is preferable to display these values in another format, such as (###) ###‑####.
To specify a different format, use the Format As property. Format a report parameter value in the same way that you format a value that a data element displays. Either select from a list of common formats, or specify a custom format pattern.
Note that you can reformat values for display purposes only. You cannot use the Format As property to require a user to type values in a particular format. In addition, the property setting does not affect the format of the data in the report.
How to format a report parameter value
This procedure assumes that you already created a report parameter.
1 In Data Explorer, expand Report Parameters, then choose the report parameter to edit. Edit Parameter displays the current property settings.
2 In Format as, choose Change. Change is not available for report parameters of Boolean type.
3 In Format Builder, specify the format to use.
1 In Format as, choose one of the predefined formats, or choose Custom to define your own format pattern. Additional fields appear, depending on the data type of the parameter and the format that you selected. A sample formatted value appears in Preview with format. Figure 16‑25 shows the additional fields that are available for a report parameter of float type when Currency format is selected.
Figure 16‑25 Format Builder for currency data
2 Type or select values for any additional fields that are available for that parameter data type and format.