Decoding a field name
You can decode any field that contains up to 100 discrete values. For example, gender is usually encoded as M and F, or even as 0 and 1. Decodes supports changing the name to something more recognizable, such as Male and Female.
How to create a decode
1 In Enrichment—Engineering, choose Decodes.
2 From My Data, drag a column to decode, and drop it in Decodes, as shown in
Figure 3‑10.
Figure 3‑10 Defining a column to be decoded
3 In Name for new Decode, type a name for the decoded column.
4 To edit each field name, double-click a value in Name. Then, type any character, except the following characters, in the highlighted name field, as shown in
Figure 3‑11:
/ \ º ª - accents, dieresis,?, !, *, @, #, &, $, o, ñ
Figure 3‑11 Providing a new name for a decoded column
5 Choose Create.
6 Double‑click the newly created decoded field in My Data. Renamed values appear in Discrete Values, as shown in
Figure 3‑12.
Figure 3‑12 Viewing values in a decoded field
Video tutorial