Creating a campaign workflow
A workflow defines a role required to complete campaign tasks and activities. A workflow includes one or multiple stages and users. In a workflow stage, each user is assigned permissions required to complete tasks. For example, the role Campaign Manager may include two users, one with permission to initiate an activity such as generating messages to a group of customers. In the same workflow, another user may have permission to receive responses and initiate new messages.
How to create a workflow
1 Choose Workflow—Campaign workflow.
2 In Campaign Workflow, select Configuration, and choose Workflow.
3 In Workflow, choose Create, as shown in
Figure 7‑1.
4 In Workflow detail—Name, type a name of a role that completes campaign tasks, such as Campaign Manager.
5 In Workflow detail—Description, describe the purpose or goal of this workflow. For example, name and describe the goal of Campaign Manager.
Figure 7‑1 Creating a new workflow for a campaign
6 Create at least one stage in the workflow. You must create all stages in a workflow before executing a campaign.
7 In Workflow, choose OK.