Creating a campaign
Creating a campaign requires a strategy. As a best practice, establish a strategy, then create one, or multiple campaigns within the scope of that strategy. Modify the scope of a strategy as necessary, to accommodate expanding campaign activities.
How to create a new campaign
1 Choose Campaign Workflow—Planning.
2 In Planning, right‑click a strategy and choose New Campaign.
3 In Campaign Detail—Campaign’s Properties—General Data, shown in
Figure 7‑10, type the following information:
In Code, specify only one campaign.
In Name, type a name for this campaign code.
Optionally, describe the campaign name and code.
Figure 7‑10 Adding general properties for a new campaign
4 In Campaign’s Properties—Dates, shown in
Figure 7‑11, select the following options:
In Start Date and End Date, select values representing dates on which campaign activities begin and finish.
Optionally, select Number of times. Then, select a number to set how many times to repeat all campaign activities between the defined start and end dates.
Figure 7‑11 Adding a date range for a new campaign
5 In Campaign Properties—Resolution, select a resolution level, as shown in
Figure 7‑12.
Figure 7‑12 Selecting a resolution level for a new campaign
6 Optionally, to limit the resolution level of a campaign, select De-duplicate and choose a column name from the list.
For example, consider a campaign designed to contact all customers by setting the resolution level to Customers table. To limit customers contacted to one‑per‑household, limit the campaign resolution by selecting De‑duplicate and selecting Household ID.
7 In Campaign’s Properties—Domains, define any selections to include or exclude in the campaign, as shown in
Figure 7‑13.
Figure 7‑13 Defining a selection to exclude for a new campaign
8 In Campaign’s Properties—Responses, select Deadline for Responses. Then, select a date value to set a deadline for responses to be included in this campaign, as shown in
Figure 7‑14.
Figure 7‑14 Setting a response collection deadline for a new campaign
9 In Campaign detail, choose Save.
Saving a campaign locks property modification for all users except the user creating the campaign.
How to unlock a campaign
To unlock a campaign for editing by other users, choose Check in, as shown in
Figure 7‑15.
Figure 7‑15 Unlocking a campaign for modification
No blocked appears for an unlocked campaign, as shown in
Figure 7‑16.
Figure 7‑16 Examining an unlocked campaign
How to exclude a segment of records from a campaign
1 In Campaign Properties—Domains, select Domain in Exclusion domains, as shown in
Figure 7‑17.
Figure 7‑17 Selecting exclude domain for a campaign
2 From Scratchpad, drag a data segment and drop it in Exclusion domains—Domain.
For example, to exclude all male directors from a campaign, create a segment that includes only male directors. Then, drag the Male Directors segment from Scratchpad and drop it Exclusion domains, as shown in
Figure 7‑18.
Figure 7‑18 Excluding a segment from a campaign
In Campaign detail, choose Save.
How to define a segment as a campaign domain
1 In Campaign Properties—Domains, select Domain in Inclusion domains, as shown in
Figure 7‑19.
Figure 7‑19 Selecting include domain for a campaign
2 From Scratchpad, drag a data segment and drop it in Inclusion domains—Domain.
For example, to define the domain of a campaign to include only those customers who buy product MA:
1 In My Data, find the Product Group MA value in the Order detail table.
2 Drag Product Group MA and drop it in Scratchpad, as shown in
Figure 7‑20.
Figure 7‑20 Selecting a segment for a campaign domain
3 Change the resolution of Product Group EQ MA segment to Customers, as shown in
Figure 7‑21.
In Scratchpad, right‑click Product Group EQ MA and choose Change resolution level.
Figure 7‑21 Changing the resolution level for a segment
In Change resolution level, select Customer table and choose OK.
Rename the segment Customers who buy MA, as shown in
Figure 7‑22.
Figure 7‑22 Renaming a segment
4 In Campaign Properties—Domains, in Inclusion Domain, select Domain.
5 Drag a segment from Scratchpad and drop it into Inclusion domains—Domain, as shown in
Figure 7‑23.
Figure 7‑23 Including a segment as a campaign domain
3 In Campaign detail, choose Save.