Managing campaign stages
You can manage and monitor campaign stages and workflows manually. You can also automate many actions in a campaign by definition. The following procedure summarizes the processes completed in a typical campaign.
1 Start campaign.
2 Start initial workflow.
3 Start initial stage.
Cells defined in a stage execute, according to defined properties.
4 Start next stage.
5 Start next workflow.
6 Repeat steps
5 until all tasks in all stages and workflows have completed.
7 Execute campaign.
8 Evaluate campaign results.
How to manage stages in a campaign
1 In Campaign detail, select Stage actions and make one of the following choices:
To start a subsequent stage, choose Next stage.
If you do not have permissions required to execute a stage, choose Accept in the message describing the permissions you lack.
To review a preceding stage, choose Previous stage.
To review a list of transitions between stages, choose Show History.
2 To close Campaign History, choose OK.
How to evaluate a campaign
1 Log in to BIRT Analytics as a user who has the Evaluate permission.
2 In Campaign detail, select Campaign actions and choose Evaluate.
3 In Results of the evaluation, examine the following levels of information:
To see details of records generated during completed stages, choose Table.
To see a summary of records generated by each completed cell, choose Chart.