Providing parameter values
If a report design already uses filters and requires you to enter values to display data, you are prompted to enter these values before a report is run. The prompt value is called a parameter. Parameters enable users to control displayed content without editing the report. You can modify the parameter values at any time by choosing the Parameters option from the main menu. For example, in a report that displays sales data by sales office, you can use parameter values to select which sales office data to view in the report. Even if you are the only person reading the report, a parameter value enables you to view specific content in the report.
If you save a report design file containing parameters as a report document file, the user can no longer specify parameter values to view specific data. The viewers display data based on parameter values specified when the report design was saved as a report document file.
Reports using dynamic filters require you to first select an operator, and then supply one or more parameter values for which the viewers display data. Supplying specific parameter values in such reports is often optional, and you can select the No Condition operator to view all the data in the report. You cannot create dynamic filters using the viewers.
How to enter parameter values at run time
1 Run the report from the list of available reports. If the report contains filters and requires parameter values, the Parameters dialog box appears, requiring you to enter or choose specific values based on which data is retrieved and displayed.
2 Choose the field for which you want to view data, or enter a value. For example, in a report containing customer order history data, to view a specific customer’s order history, choose the customer’s name from the list, as shown in Figure 7‑1.
Choose Finish to view the report. The report in the example displays the order history for Boards & Toys Co.
Figure 7‑1 Entering parameter values
How to modify parameter values in the viewers
1 From the main menu, choose Parameters.
2 A Parameters section appears in the lower pane of the viewer. The example in Figure 7‑2 shows the details for Boards & Toys Co. Choose another customer from the list. Then choose Run Report from the Parameters toolbar.
Figure 7‑2 Viewer displaying report and the Parameters section
The report displaying data for the selected customer appears in the upper part of the viewer. To view all the data on the current page, use the scroll bar in the report section, or collapse the Parameters section.
You can only modify parameter values for reports that already contain filters and require the use of parameter values to view data. If the report you generate does not use parameters, when you choose the Parameters option from the main menu, a message appears informing you that the report contains no parameters.
How to select an operator and specify one or more parameter values
1 Run the report from the list of available reports. If the report contains filters and requires parameter values to display data, Parameters appears, as shown in Figure 7‑3.
Figure 7‑3 Specifying operators and parameter values
2 Select an operator in the first field, Customer. To view data for all customers, select No Condition, as shown in Figure 7‑3.
3 Select an operator from the drop‑down list in the next field, City, and specify one or more values from the list of values that appears. To select more than one value, press Ctrl while selecting each additional value. To select a range of values select the first value, press Ctrl+Shift and select the last value in the range.
4 Select an operator from the drop‑down list in the next field, Credit Limit, and type a value in the associated field that appears. To view all credit limits, select No Condition.
Choose Finish. The report displays data for the parameter values you specified.