Setting web application parameters
The first step in deploying the BIRT Viewer Toolkit WAR file is editing the web.xml file. Extract web.xml from the WAR file, then edit web.xml to set configuration parameters. The tables in this section describe these parameters and actions you take. Perform these actions as you edit web.xml.
How to edit web.xml
To access web.xml for editing, first decompress the WAR file that contains web.xml. Next, configure parameters for the BIRT Viewer Toolkit.
1 Create a directory named /temp. BIRT Viewer Toolkit writes temporary files to this directory after deployment.
2 Decompress the ActuateBIRTViewer.war file in a subdirectory of /temp. Type the following command:
jar -xf ActuateBIRTViewer.war
Use this command on Windows, Linux, and UNIX. The BIRT Viewer Toolkit files appear in the subdirectory of /temp.
Figure 2‑1 shows these files on Linux.
Figure 2‑1 Files extracted from ActuateBIRTViewer.war
Keep all downloaded files together in their original relative locations.
3 Using a text editor that accepts UTF‑8 encoding, edit web.xml in /WEB-INF to configure the parameters for BIRT Viewer Toolkit.
4 Save and close web.xml.