About publisher security
A publisher is a user who makes an object available to the system. A publisher can define the object’s security settings. Every Metrics Management object has a publisher. Typically, the publisher is the user who creates the object. In some cases, a user creates an object and assigns another user as the publisher.
A user is the object’s direct publisher when the security settings define that user as the publisher. For example, Figure 2‑17 shows publisher settings for the CEO’s book. The Bob Kahuna user is the book’s direct publisher. If the Published check box is cleared, then the book is only available to the publisher.
Figure 2‑17 Publisher settings for the CEO’s book
A user who publishes another user is an indirect publisher of that user’s published objects. For example, if the President user publishes the Bob Kahuna user, the President user is the direct publisher of the Bob Kahuna user and an indirect publisher of the CEO’s book shown in Figure 2‑17.
Generally, user privileges determine which actions a publisher can perform on the object. Group membership or the published object’s security settings can override user privileges to deny actions to the publisher.
The following rules apply to the publisher of an object:
*If the publisher has the privilege to perform an action and if no object security settings prevent the action, Metrics Management allows the action.
*If the publisher does not have the privileges to perform an action or if the object’s security settings prevent the action, Metrics Management denies the action.