Export column definitions
Table 7‑10 lists and describes the default column definitions for a user data export.
Table 7‑10 Default user data export column definitions
Column name
Measure Name
Name of measure in Metrics Management
Location Name
Name of location in Metrics Management
Comparative Name
Name of comparative in Metrics Management
Period Name
Name of period in Metrics Management
User Data
Table 7‑11 lists and describes the additional column definitions for a new user data export.
Table 7‑11 Additional user data export column definitions
Column name
Ignore this column in Import.
Measure ID
Object ID of measure in Metrics Management.
Location ID
Object ID of location in Metrics Management.
Comparative ID
Object ID of comparative in Metrics Management.
Period ID
Object ID of period in Metrics Management.
User Data Type
User Data Type Name
Table 7‑12 describes the default column definitions for a new user commentary export.
Table 7‑12 Default user commentary export column definitions
Export Type: User Commentary
Measure Name
Name of measure in Metrics Management
Location Name
Name of location in Metrics Management
Period Name
Name of period in Metrics Management
Commentary Type Name
Commentary type name in Metrics Management
Text commentary
Signature Name
Name of user who posted commentary
Signature Time
Date and time that commentary was posted
Commentary Formatted
Rich text formatted commentary
Table 7‑13 describes the additional column definitions for new user commentary export.
Table 7‑13 Additional user commentary export column definitions
Export Type: User Commentary
Skip this column in Export.
Measure ID
Object ID of measure in Metrics Management.
Location ID
Object ID of location in Metrics Management.
Period ID
Object ID of period in Metrics Management.
Commentary Type ID
Object ID of commentary type in Metrics Management.
Table 7‑14 describes column definitions for user commentary exported using a translator.
Table 7‑14 Translated user commentary export column definitions
Export Type: User Commentary
Translated Measure Name
Name of the measure to be translated.
Translated Location Name
Name of the location to be translated.
Translated Comparative Name
Name of the comparative to be translated.
Translated Period Name
Name of the period to be translated.
Skip this column in Export.
Table 7‑15 describes the default column definitions for a new calculated data export.
Table 7‑15 Calculated data export column definitions
Export Type: Calculated Data
Measure Name
Name of measure in Metrics Management
Location Name
Name of location user in Metrics Management
Comparative Name
Name of comparative in Metrics Management
Period Name
Name of period in Metrics Management
Period Range Name
Name of period range in Metrics Management
Calculated Data Type
Numeric data
Calculated Data
Value based on completed period
Table 7‑16 describes the additional column definitions for a new calculated data export.
Table 7‑16 Additional data export column definitions
Export Type: Calculated Data
Skip this column in Export.
Measure ID
Object ID of measure in Metrics Management.
Location ID
Object ID of location in Metrics Management.
Comparative ID
Object ID of comparative in Metrics Management.
Period ID
Object ID of period in Metrics Management.
Period Range ID
Object ID of period range in Metrics Management.
Calculated Data Type Name
Numeric data.
Calculated Data Latest Available Type
Numeric data.
Calculated Data Latest Available Type Name
Numeric data.
Calculated Data Latest Available
Value based on any available data.
Data Variance Type
Numeric data.
Data Variance Type Name
Numeric data.
Data Variance
Raw variance based on completed data.
Data Variance Percentage Type
Numeric data.
Data Variance Percentage Type Name
Numeric data.
Data Variance Percentage
Percent variance value based on completed period.
Data Variance Latest Available Type
Raw variance based on any available data.
Data Variance Latest Available Type Name
Numeric data.
Data Variance Latest Available
Raw variance based on any available data.
Data Variance Percentage Latest Available Type
Numeric data.
Data Variance Percentage Latest Available Type Name
Numeric data.
Data Variance Percentage Latest Available
Numeric data.
Translated Measure Name
Name of the measure to be translated.
Translated Location Name
Name of the location to be translated.
Translated Comparative Name
Name of the comparative to be translated.
Translated Period Name
Name of the period to be translated.
Threshold color values can be represented in the following ways:
*An index that represents a threshold segment into which the index value falls.
*A red, green, and blue (RGB) palette color values used to reference each color in a section or view.
Table 7‑17 describes the default column definitions for calculated indexes and color export types.
Table 7‑17 Default calculated indexes and colors export column
Export Type: Indexes and Colors
Measure Name
Name of measure in Metrics Management
Location Name
Name of location in Metrics Management
Comparative Name Base
Name of base series in Metrics Management
Comparative Name Comparison
Name of comparison series in Metrics Management
Period Name Base
Name of period used in Metrics Management
Period Name Comparison
Name of period used in Metrics Management
Period Range Name Base
Name of period range object in Metrics Management
Calculated Data Type Base
Numeric data
Calculated Data Base
Calculated Data Type Comparison
Numeric data
Calculated Data Comparison
Calculated Index Type
Numeric data
Calculated Index
Color Type
Numeric data
Color Range
Color value
Worst Measure Color Type
Numeric data
Worst Measure Color Range
Color value
Worst Location Color Type
Numeric data
Worst Location Color Range
Color value
Table 7‑18 describes the optional column definitions for calculated indexes and color export types.
Table 7‑18 Optional calculated indexes and colors export column
Export Type: Indexes and Colors
Skip this column in Export.
Measure ID
Object ID of measure in Metrics Management.
Location ID
Object ID of location in Metrics Management.
Comparative ID Base
Object ID of comparative in Metrics Management.
Comparative ID Comparison
Object ID of comparative in Metrics Management.
Period ID Comparison
Object ID of period in Metrics Management.
Period ID Base
Object ID of period in Metrics Management.
Period Range ID Base
Object ID of period range used in Metrics Management.
Period Range ID Comparison
Object ID of period range used in Metrics Management.
Period Range Name Comparison
Name of period range object in Metrics Management.
Calculated Data Type Name Base
Numeric data.
Calculated Data Type Name Comparison
Numeric data.
Calculated Index Type Name
Numeric data.
Color Type Name
Numeric data.
Color RGB
Color value.
Color Range Name
Numeric data.
Worst Measure Color Type Name
Numeric data.
Worst Measure Color Range Name
Numeric data.
Worst Measure Color RGB
Color value.
Worst Location Color Type Name
Numeric data.
Worst Location Color Range Name
Numeric data.
Worst Location Color RGB
Color value.
Table 7‑19 lists column definitions for translated indexes and color type exports.
Table 7‑19 Translated index and color type export column definitions
Export Type: Indexes and Colors
Translated Measure Name
Name of the measure to be translated.
Translated Location Name
Name of the location to be translated.
Translated Comparative Name Base
Name of the comparative to be translated.
Translated Comparative Name Comparison
Name of the comparative to be translated.
Translated Period Name Base
Name of the period to be translated.
Translated Period Name Comparison
Name of the period to be translated.
Skip this column in Export.