Creating a data export
Use the following procedure to create a data export. To create a data export, perform the following tasks:
*Create a data export.
*Specify the export file.
*Specify columns.
*Specify the view and measures from which to export data.
*Specify sorting options.
*Specify security settings.
How to create a data export
1 In the Navigation Pane, choose DataData ExportsCreate.
2 In Setup Data Export: <New>—Properties:
*In Name, provide a name for the data export.
*In Description, choose Edit. Provide a description. Then, choose OK.
*In Categories, choose Edit. Select or create categories. Then, choose OK.
3 In Type, select one of the following export types:
*To export unsynchronized user data, select Export user data with pending changes.
*To export unconsolidated user data, choose Export user data.
*To export commentary, choose Export user commentary.
*To export calculated data, choose Export calculated data. For example, profit year-to-date values are calculated data.
*To export calculated indexes and text representations of index colors, choose Export calculated indexes and colors.
Options appearing in Columns depend on selections you make in Type.
How to specify the export file
In Destination, specify the export file type as a text file, XML file, or database:
1 To export to a text file, perform the following tasks:
1 In Export to a file, choose Browse. Navigate to a location to save the file. In Select Filename, type a file name and file extension. Alternatively, in Export filename, select a listed named path. Then, type a file name.
To open a file using Microsoft Excel, include file extension .csv. This prevents the Text Import Wizard opening when the file opens.
2 To customize the export text file to match the specifications of the program in which it opens, choose Advanced. In Advanced Options, shown in Figure 7‑37, to arrange the export file so that column names appear in the top row of the file, select Place column names in the first row. Also, specify alternative separators and delimiters, and comment and decimal characters, if necessary.
Figure 7‑37 Choosing advanced options for a data export
2 To export to an XML file, perform the following tasks:
1 In Export to file, choose Browse.
2 Navigate to the location to save the file. In Select Filename, type a file name and file extension. Alternatively, in Export filename, select a listed named path. Then, type a file name, including the .xml file extension.
3 To export to a database, perform the following tasks:
1 In Export database connection, select a previously defined database connection from the list.
2 To export the data to a table, select Table. Then, select a table from the list. The target table must already exist before Metrics Management can write to it. The column definitions must match the target table columns. The example in Figure 7‑38 shows a connection to a table in a SQL database.
Figure 7‑38 Creating a data export to a database
3 To export to Excel, clear Empty table before each export check box, as shown in Figure 7‑39. This functionality is not supported in databases that use the Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE-DB Provider.
Figure 7‑39 Specify database connection values
4 To pass the data to a stored procedure for further processing, select Stored procedure. Then, select a stored procedure from the list.
How to specify columns
In Columns, refine the export column definition, if necessary. If exporting to an Excel file, ensure the number of columns matches the number of columns defined in the named range in the Excel file.
1 To change the list, in Columns, choose Change.
2 In Columns, to add a skip column, add Skip to Selected, as shown in Figure 7‑40.
Figure 7‑40 Defining the columns in an export
3 Choose Move Up or Move Down to reorder column names, as necessary, until Selected matches the export target.
4 To add a translated column, perform the following steps:
1 In Available, select Translated <Column Name>.
2 Select a translator from the Translator list.
3 Choose Add to move it to Selected.
5 To see the file contents of an export to a text or XML file, choose Show File.
6 To see the required SQL table definition of an export to a database, choose Show SQL. This table must be defined before running the data export.
How to specify the view and measures from which to export data
1 In Selection Criteria, to specify the view from which to export data, in View, select a view.
2 In Source of measures and locations, specify the measures and locations from which to export data. To individually choose which measures and locations to export, perform the following steps:
1 Choose Select measures and locations individually.
2 In View, to customize the view specified in Selection Criteria, choose Customize View. Select an alternative base or comparison series, period, consolidation range, commentary type, top measure, and top location.
3 In Selected Measures and Locations, choose Edit.
4 In Measures and Locations, select a location from the Location list. Choose <Preferred Location> to create a reusable export file. For example, creating a reusable export file minimizes the number of exports. Select <Top Location> to match the location defined as the top location for a selected view.
5 Add measures to the Selected list, as shown in Figure 7‑41.
Figure 7‑41 Selecting specific measures for export
6 To export the measures in a particular order, rearrange the measure in the Selected list by choosing Move Up or Move Down, or choosing Sort to arrange the measures in alphabetical order. Then, choose OK.
3 To use a filter to select which measures and locations to export:
1 Choose Select measures and locations individually.
2 To filter measures for export, choose Select measures based on a filter from Selection Criteria. In View filter, select a filter from the list.
How to personalize a filter
After you specify a filter, you can choose to personalize the filter.
1 Under Filters, choose Customize Filter.
2 To filter by measure, location, period type, or user, make a selection under the appropriate Filter by section. For example, to filter by specific measures, perform the following tasks:
1 In Filter by these measures, select These measures, as shown in Figure 7‑42.
Figure 7‑42 Choosing to filter by These measures
2 Choose Edit.
3 In Measures, use Add to move measures to the Selected list, as shown in Figure 7‑43. Choose OK.
Figure 7‑43 Selecting the measures by which to filter
Alternatively, you can filter by measures that contain specific categories or by measures that do not contain specific categories.
3 To filter by measure criteria, such as by measure type, select filtering criteria, as shown in Figure 7‑44.
Figure 7‑44 Choosing to filter by data measures which are missing data
4 To filter by index value, perform the following procedures:
1 Deselect Filter by index range.
2 Select Filter by index value.
3 In Index is, choose Greater than or Less than, and provide a value, as shown in Figure 7‑45.
Figure 7‑45 Choosing to filter by index values greater than 105
5 To filter by index range, perform the following procedures:
1 Clear the Filter by index value check box.
2 Select Filter by index range.
3 Select the index ranges to filter by, as shown in Figure 7‑46.
Figure 7‑46 Choosing to filter by poor and very poor index ranges
How to specify sorting options
Choose Options. In Sorting, choose to group measures in the export file by measure or by location.
How to specify security settings
1 Choose Security. Then, assign access rights for the export to groups and users.
2 Choose Save.