Creating a unit type
When you create a database, four default unit types are created. These are $000, Dollars, Number, and Percentage, and they can be modified or removed. Create new unit types to explicitly describe what data is being entered or displayed. For example, create unit types for reporting non-financial information, such as Days or Hours.
How to create a unit type
1 In the Navigation Pane, choose SetupUnit TypesCreate.
2 In Setup Unit Type: <New>—Properties:
*In Name, provide a name for the unit type.
*In Description, choose Edit. Provide a description. Then, choose OK.
*In Categories, choose Edit. Select or create categories. Then, choose OK.
3 In Format, type a prefix or suffix, if required. Figure 4‑1 shows a unit type prefixed by $.
Figure 4‑1 Choosing a prefix for a unit type
Use unit types to format numbers. Use $ as a prefix for unit types, such as dollars and thousands of dollars. % appears as a suffix for a unit expressed as a percentage. The suffix and prefix appears in data entry, as well as on charts and graphs.
4 Type a value that sets the number of digits to display. If a value exceeds this number of digits, the value appears in scientific notation.
5 Type a value that sets the number of decimal places defined to display. Metrics Management stores the number of decimal places defined in the system, but only displays the number of decimal places specified here.
6 Choose to accept the Windows-default thousand separator and decimal-place marker. These defaults are a comma and a period respectively, in North America. To change these if necessary, clear the Use Windows defaults check box, and type the required characters.
7 Choose the Security tab and assign access rights for the unit type to groups and users.
8 Choose Save.