Group initiatives obtain performance values from the data and group subinitiatives at the next level in the tree. Metrics Management uses the same formulas to calculate both data and group initiative date and budget performance indicators. Table 1‑6 shows the date values that Metrics Management uses in group start and end date performance indicator calculations.
Table 1‑6 Values used in group initiative date performance formulas
Date type
Date value used in initiative performance calculation
Actual start date
Earliest subinitiative actual start date
Forecast start date
Earliest subinitiative forecast start date
Planned start date
Earliest subinitiative planned start date
Actual end date
Latest subinitiative actual end date
Forecast end date
Latest subinitiative forecast end date
Planned end date
Latest subinitiative planned end date
Table 1‑7 shows the budget values that Metrics Management uses in group budget performance indicator calculations.
Table 1‑7 Values used in group initiative budget performance formulas
Date type
Budget value used in initiative performance calculation
Actual budget
Unweighted sum of subinitiative actual budgets
Forecast budget
Unweighted sum of subinitiative forecast budgets
Planned budget
Unweighted sum of subinitiative planned budgets
For group initiative rating and percentage complete indicators, Metrics Management performs the following calculations:
For a group initiative’s rating indicator, Metrics Management sums the weighted ratings of the group’s subinitiatives.
For a group initiative’s percent complete indicator, Metrics Management sums the weighted percent complete values of the group’s subinitiatives.