You can create a filter to use when creating briefing book sections, data exports, and home page alerts. Use any of the filter options to create the filter.
How to create a filter
1 In Navigation Pane, choose Setup➛Filters➛Create.
2 In Name:
In Name, provide a name for the filter.
For Description, choose Edit and provide a description.
For Categories, choose Edit and add or create categories.
3 To filter by measure, in Filter by these measures, perform one of the following tasks:
To filter by specific measures, select These measures, choose Edit, and add measures to the Selected list, as shown in Figure 4‑1. Choose OK.
Figure 4‑1 Adding the objects to the Selected list
To filter by measures containing specific categories, select Measures in these categories, choose Edit, and add categories to the Selected list. Choose OK.
To filter by measures that do not contain specific categories, select Measures not in these categories, choose Edit, and add categories to the Selected list. Choose OK.
4 To filter by location, in Filter by these locations, perform one of the following tasks:
To filter by specific locations, select These locations, choose Edit, and add locations to the Selected list. Choose OK.
To filter by locations containing specific categories, select Locations in these categories, choose Edit, and add categories to the Selected list. Choose OK.
To filter by locations that do not contain specific categories, select Locations not in these categories, choose Edit, and add categories to the Selected list. Choose OK.
Filters are not based on location. For this reason, do not create multiple filters for different locations. When a section is created from a filter, you choose the location.
5 To filter by period type, in Filter by these period types, select These period types, choose Edit, and add period types to the Selected list. Choose OK.
6 To filter by user, in Filter by these users, select an owner type, choose Edit, and add users to the Selected list. Choose OK. Select <current user> to create a generic filter that can be used by each of the system users.
7 To filter by measure type, select any of the following options:
Critical measures only
Group measures, Data measures, or Formula measures
Gray measures
Missing commentary or Missing data
8 To filter by index value, perform the following tasks:
1 Ensure Filter by index range is not selected.
2 Select Filter by index value.
3 Choose Greater than or Less than from the Index is list, and type in a value, as shown in Figure 4‑2.
Figure 4‑2 Defining an index value
9 To filter by index range, perform the following tasks:
1 Ensure Filter by index value is not selected.
2 Select Filter by index range.
3 Select the index ranges to include, as shown in Figure 4‑3.
Figure 4‑3 Selecting index ranges
10 Choose Security. Then, assign access rights to groups and users.