A briefing book consists of one or more sections that contain measures and can contain document links, or links to maps.
When you create a section, you add measures to the section from a view. You can use an existing view, or create a custom view. You can also select measures individually, or use a filter to add measures.
How to create a section
1 In Navigation Pane, choose Setup➛Sections➛Create.
2 In Name:
In Name, provide a name for the section.
For Description, choose Edit and provide a description.
For Categories, choose Edit and select or create categories.
3 In Selection Criteria, to base the section on an existing view, select a view from the View list. To create a custom view for the section:
1 Select a view from the View list.
2 In View, choose Customize View and define settings to create a custom view. For example, select a new comparison series, display period, or top measure or location.
After you save and close the section, changes to the custom view do not reflect in the section, and the view name displays as <Custom> in the View list. Actuate recommends that you include the name of the original view in the description in case you need to make changes later.
4 To choose the measures for the section individually, perform the following tasks:
1 Choose Select measures or locations individually.
2 In the Selected Measures, choose Edit.
3 Select a location from the Location list. Choose <Preferred Location> to create a section for use by users in different locations, as shown in Figure 4‑6. Choose <Top Location> to use the location specified as the top location for the selected view.
Figure 4‑6 Selecting measures for a briefing book section
4 Add the measures to the Selected list.
5 To display measures in a particular order in the section, rearrange them in the Selected list by choosing Move Up or Move Down, or choose Sort to arrange the measures in alphabetical order.
6 Choose OK.
5 To choose the measures for the section using a filter, select Select measures based on a filter and select a filter from the View filter list.
6 Choose Options. In Sorting, choose to sort the results of the measure selection by Measure, Location, Data, or Index in either ascending or descending order. Both First sort by and And then sort by have the same choices. Sorting allows for ranking of the measures in the section.
7 To add links and maps in the Links area of a section, perform the following tasks:
1 In Maps or Links, choose Edit.
2 Add the maps or links to the Selected list. Figure 4‑7 shows a map added as a link to a section.
Figure 4‑7 Creating map links
3 To display objects in a particular order in the section, rearrange them in the Selected list by choosing Move Up or Move Down, or choose Sort to arrange the objects in alphabetical order.
4 Choose OK.
8 Choose Security. Then, assign access rights to groups and users.