The following sections show to how navigate Metrics Management using Navigation Pane and how to open objects from the Metrics Management toolbar.
Using Navigation Pane
You can open objects such as books, maps, initiatives, and views from Navigation Pane, which is located at the side of Metrics Management, as shown in Figure 2‑4. In Navigation Pane, objects appear in two lists, all objects and My Favorite objects. For example, choose Views to show the All Views and My Favorite Views lists. Choose a view from either list to open that view in the main window. To edit your list of favorites, see Changing home page and Navigation Pane favorites.
Figure 2‑4 Navigation Pane
Using navigation tabs
All objects, such as books or views, open in a separate tab in the main window. With multiple objects open, choose another navigation tab to access that object. Use the navigation arrows to move to an adjoining tab, or to display a tab that is not visible in the main window.
How to use navigation tabs
To navigate to another tab when multiple tabs are open, choose the Previous or Next arrow.
To close a tab, right-click the tab and choose Close Selected Tab, or choose Close to close the tab that is active.
To close all open tabs, choose Window➛Close All Tabs.
Showing or hiding Navigation Pane
Navigation Pane appears at the side of Metrics Management by default. Lock Navigation Pane to display it at all times. Optionally, show or hide Navigation Pane using one of the following options.
How to show Navigation Pane
To show Navigation Pane, perform either of the following tasks:
Choose Show Navigation Pane on the toolbar.
Move your cursor to Navigation Pane, as shown in Figure 2‑5.
Figure 2‑5 Opening Navigation Pane
How to hide Navigation Pane
To hide Navigation Pane, choose Hide Navigation Pane on the toolbar.