A view is a visual representation of both the measure and location structure. A measure box in a view can have two drill-down arrows, a measure arrow, and a location arrow. Use these arrows to drill down the view by measure or location. The measure arrow only appears for formula or group measures with submeasures. The lowest measure in the measure or location structure does not show an arrow.
How to drill down by measure
Choose anywhere on a measure and location box, other than on an arrow, to drill down the view by measure. The measure arrow indicates that there are measures below and that you can drill down further. The color of the measure arrow indicates the performance color of the worst-performing submeasure. Figure 2‑15 shows submeasures of the Consumers measure.
Figure 2‑15 Drilling down by measure
How to drill down by location
Choose the location arrow in a measure and location box to drill down the location structure of the view. This arrow indicates that there are locations below and that you can drill down further. The color of the location arrow indicates the performance color of the worst-performing sublocation. Figure 2‑16 shows the sublocations of the Overall Performance measure at the North America location.