Using a section
Figure 2‑24 shows a book section. A briefing book contains sections. Sections are pages or chapters within a briefing book. Sections can contain measures, links to documents, and performance commentary. A section can be used in more than one book.
Figure 2‑24 Using a briefing book section
Metrics Management supports locking or unlocking a section that is created from a filter. Changing the lock setting is unavailable when drilling down into measures or locations in a section. Changing the comparison series or period, or refreshing the section, produces the following results:
*When a section is locked, measure and location data update.
*When a section is unlocked, the filter returns measure and locations using the most recent data in the system, or the new comparison series or period.
The book section contains the following elements:
*Edit section
Opens the section for editing in Setup Section. You must have the appropriate privileges to edit the section.
*Edit section filter or list
Opens the section for editing. When the section is based on a filter, the filter opens for editing in Setup Filter. When the section contains a static list of measures, available and selected measures open in Measures and locations.
*Lock or unlock section filter
Toggles the lock on the section filter.
*Refresh section filter or list
Refreshes measure data in the section. When a section is based on a filter that is unlocked, refreshing returns new filter results.
*Switch to properties view
Toggles to display measures and locations, or section and filter properties.
*Edit links
Opens the list of available and selected links.
*Create new link
Opens Setup Link.
Expands the measure and location section in the book.