Opening an initiative opens the initiative and its subinitiatives. You view initiatives in the following locations:
In the initiatives dashboard
Open initiatives assigned to the selected measure in the dashboard in a book, map, or view. Open a separate dashboard from Initiatives in the main window.
In Initiatives in the main window
Open Initiatives from the home page or Navigation Pane. Consider opening initiatives in the main window instead of navigating to a specific measure and location pair in a book, map, or view.
How to open an initiative from a book, map, or view
1 In a book, map, or view, select a measure and location pair.
2 In the dashboard, select Initiatives. The initiatives that belong to the measure and location pair appear in the dashboard.
How to open initiatives from the home page
1 Open the home page.
2 In Initiatives, choose an initiative. For example, the Customer Service Improvement Plan initiative opens, as shown in Figure 2‑32.
Figure 2‑32 Opening initiatives from the home page
3 To show the next level of initiatives, choose Expand, as shown in Figure 2‑33.
Figure 2‑33 Expanding the initiatives tree
How to open initiatives from Navigation Pane
In Navigation Pane, choose Initiatives➛My Favorite Initiatives. Favorite initiatives appear in a list in the main window.
How to open an initiative in a separate dashboard window
In Initiatives in the main window, choose Open Initiative Detail for an initiative. The dashboard opens in a separate window containing the initiative and subinitiatives.