Metrics Management supports specifying the following types of data for a data initiative:
Planned, forecast, and actual start and end dates
Planned, forecast, and actual budget values
A percentage complete value
A qualitative owner-assessed initiative rating
For a planned, forecast, or actual date, the end date must be greater than or equal to the start date. In an initiative with no dates specified, Metrics Management also enters the planned value as the forecast value for start and date and budget. For example, if you enter 10,000 as the planned budget, Metrics Management also enters 10,000 as the forecast budget.
How to enter initiative data
1 In Overview, select a data initiative.
2 In Details, in Measure Data, choose Edit. Measure Data becomes editable, as shown in Figure 3‑4.
Figure 3‑4 Choosing to edit measure data
3 To specify a start or end date, perform the following tasks:
1 Choose Select Date beside the appropriate planned, forecast, or actual date to open the calendar. For example, Figure 3‑5 shows the calendar for the planned start date.
Figure 3‑5 Opening the calendar
2 In the calendar, navigate to a date. Then, select the date. The new date appears, as shown in the example in Figure 3‑6.
Figure 3‑6 Applying a new date value
4 To specify a budget value, type a budget value for the appropriate planned, forecast, or actual date.
5 To specify the percent complete value, in Percentage Complete, type a value between 0 and 100.
6 To specify a qualitative rating, choose a rating from the Rating list.