The following sections show how to log in to Metrics Management and how to navigate in Metrics Management using Navigation Pane and the Metrics Management toolbar.
Logging in
To access Metrics Management, log in using the URL provided by your system specialist.For convenience, save the URL as a favorite in the web browser. From the URL, you can log in any to the following components:
Metrics Manager Web. Metrics Manager Web runs Metrics Management in Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, or Mozilla Firefox. You use Metrics Manager Web to access and update performance information and create certain Metrics Management objects, such as maps.
Metrics Manager. Metrics Manager runs the Metrics Management as an application launched from a web browser. The system specialist typically uses Metrics Manager to create and administer Metrics Management objects.
The system specialist sets up users to have access to different parts of Metrics Manager Web and Metrics Manager and has the authority to impersonate any user.
How to log in to Metrics Manager Web or Metrics Manager
1 Provide your login name and password, as shown in Figure 2‑1.
Figure 2‑1 Login window
2 From Module, perform one of the following tasks:
To log in to Metrics Manager Web, select Metrics Manager Web.
To log in to Metrics Manager, select Metrics Manager.
3 From Server, select a server name.
4 From Database, select a database.
5 From Authentication method, select an authentication method.
The authentication method indicates which application validates your login name and password.
6 Choose Login. The Metrics Management home page appears by default for Metrics Manager Web. If you choose to launch Metrics Manager, choose Close in the confirmation message. Metrics Manager launches in a separate window.
How to download Metrics Manager
The first time that you access Metrics Manager, Metrics Management downloads files that Metrics Manager uses each time the client launches. Metrics Management also creates shortcuts on your Start menu that you can use to launch Metrics Manager.
1 In Internet Explorer, enter the URL provided by your system specialist, for example, http://MetricsManagementServer/MetricsManager.
2 In Application Run - Security Warning, as shown in Figure 2‑2, choose Run.
Figure 2‑2 Choosing to run Metrics Manager
Metrics Manager downloads, as shown in Figure 2‑3.