Metrics Management supports formatting commentary text for measure or initiatives. For example, you can change the font text and size, specify text alignment, change the text color, create a link, and apply a date stamp to commentary.
How to format commentary text
1 In the dashboard, choose Commentary.
2 Choose Edit commentary beside the period for which to enter commentary.
3 Using the commentary toolbar, as shown in Figure 3‑10, perform any of the following tasks:
Figure 3‑10 Formatting commentary text in the dashboard
To apply formatting to the selected text, choose Bold, Italic, or Underline.
To change the color of the selected text, choose Foreground color. In the color palette, as shown in Figure 3‑11, choose a color.
Figure 3‑11 Choosing commentary text color
To align text to the left or right margin, choose Justify Left or Justify Right.
To align text to both the left and right margins, choose Justify.
To center text, choose Center.
To insert a link, choose Insert URL Link. In URL, as shown in Figure 3‑12, type the URL address. Then, choose OK.
Figure 3‑12 Adding a link to a commentary entry
To insert your user name and today’s date, choose Datestamp.
To change the font of the selected text, in the font toolbar, as shown in Figure 3‑13, choose Arial, Times New Roman, or Verdana.
Figure 3‑13 Changing the commentary entry font
To change the font size of the selected text, in the font toolbar, choose 80%, 100%, or 120%.