Setting volume archiving and purging policies
On Manage Volume—Archiving and Purging, shown in Figure 3‑3, the administrator can set the autoarchive policy for all the files and empty folders in the volume or for a specific file type.
The default policy for the volume is Do not automatically delete this file and Do not archive the file before deletion. Use File Type to set the autoarchive policy for a file type. The policy you set for that file type is the default policy for every file of that type on the volume. When you select a file type in File Type, BIRT iHub displays the current autoarchive settings for the file type you select.
You can modify settings for one file type after another before choosing OK to implement those changes. BIRT iHub retains the values you set for multiple file types and applies the values when you choose OK.
Figure 3‑3 Setting the default archiving and purging policy for the volume
Manage Volume—Archiving and Purging also displays the settings for the volume’s default purging policy. Using the options described in Table 3‑1, the volume administrator sets the volume default policy specifying how long a job completion notice remains on the volume before BIRT iHub can delete the notice.
Table 3‑1 Purge settings 
Purge success notices after n days n hours
Enable deleting job completion notices for jobs that succeed. Set the time after which BIRT iHub can delete the notice. If the administrator specifies 0 days 0 hours, or does not select this option, BIRT iHub does not purge success notices.
Purge failure notices after n days n hours
Enable deleting job completion notices for jobs that fail. Set the time after which BIRT iHub can delete the notice. If the administrator specifies 0 days 0 hours, or does not select this option, BIRT iHub does not purge failure notices.
Archiving files and removing empty folders
By performing the following volume autoarchiving tasks, volume administrators and users specify the policy that BIRT iHub uses to delete files and empty folders, and archive files and folders in the volume:
*Using Visualization Platform, an administrator can set the autoarchive policy for the entire volume and for specific files and folders.
*A user can set the autoarchive policy for specific files and folders. A user must have read, write, and delete privileges on the file or folder. When submitting a job, a user can also set the autoarchive policy on the output document.
The following points are useful to know when setting autoarchive policy:
*The volume autoarchive policy is the default policy for every file and folder in the volume. If you change the policy for a file type, specific file, or folder, that policy supersedes the volume policy.
*If you specify a policy for a particular folder that differs from its parent folder policy, all the files and folders in that particular folder inherit its policy as the default policy.
*If you specify a policy for a particular file, that policy supersedes the policy the file inherits from its containing folder.
*If you do not specify a policy for a file type on Properties—Auto Archive for a folder, any file of that file type within the folder inherits the folder policy.
*The autoarchive process removes a folder if it is empty or if the following conditions are true:
*Every subfolder is empty.
*The age of every file in the folder has expired.
BIRT iHub determines whether to perform autoarchiving on an item by processing volume contents using the following order of precedence and evaluating:
*The policy on an individual file or empty folder
*The policy for the specific file type or folder, from the containing folder’s File Type list
*The containing folder’s default policy
*The policy for the specific file type or folder, from the File Type list of the folder containing the folder
*The policy for the specific file type or folder, from the File Type list of folders that are higher in the hierarchy
*The policy for the volume
To see a folder’s autoarchive policy, point to the arrowhead icon next to a folder and choose Auto Archive. On Auto Archive policy for this folder, choose View Policy.
To see a file’s auto archive policy, left-click the arrowhead icon next to the file and choose Details. The policy appears under the Auto Archive heading.
When BIRT iHub performs autoarchiving, it starts from the volume’s root folder. For each file whose age has expired, BIRT iHub deletes the file. If the Archive files before deletion option is selected, BIRT iHub calls the archive application for the volume, then deletes the file if the archive process succeeds. If the archive process fails, BIRT iHub does not delete the file.