Using the command-line installation package on Linux
The following sections describe how to use the command-line installer to install BIRT iHub modules on Linux. To use the installers for a single BIRT iHub module, see Installing BIRT iHub modules on Linux.
In installing the BIRT iHub command-line installation package, the administrator performs the following tasks:
*Downloads the BIRT iHub 3 installation package, iHub3.tar.gz, from the download site
*Downloads the tar.gz archive installation packages and associated MD5 files for the required BIRT iHub modules from the download site
*Extracts the contents of the installation package into a directory such as /Actuate/iHub3
*Reads the README file and updates the file
*Runs the install script,
The README file contains instructions about how to install the BIRT iHub product packages, as shown in Listing 2‑4. The instructions contain the following sections:
*Using BIRT iHub Network Install
Lists the software components the command-line installation package can install, such as BIRT iHub, System Console and BIRT iHub Visualization Platform, Java Development Kit (JDK), PostgreSQL, Content Services, and BIRT Analytics.
*Deployment Steps
Describes the deployment tasks required to extract and run install the BIRT iHub Release 3 installation package. By default, the installation script installs iHub, System Console, and BIRT iHub Visualization Platform on the local machine.
Describes the properties in the iHub3/ file.
Listing 2‑4 BIRT iHub README
Using BIRT iHub Network Install
Use the BIRT iHub network installation package to install:
* iHub
* System Console
* InformationConsole
* PostgreSQL
Deployment Steps
* Download iHub3.tar.gz to your local machine
* Untar iHub3.tar.gz a clean folder e.g. /home/server/ihub3home
* Change working folder to /home/server/ihub3home/iHub3
* Execute install script ./
By default, both iHub and System Console will be installed.
To install other components, modify iHub3/ and add components to ac.package.
To get the list of modules that can be install, in the command prompt type ' -list'.
iHub3/ contains the following properties:
* ac.login=
* ac.password=
* ac.package=a,b (Default)
* ac.homedir=. (Default install folder)
* ac.downloadonly=false (If true, set up will only download modules and no installation will take place)
* ac.source=
* ac.runasservice=true (If false, after installation is complete user will see two DOS prompts corresponding iHub server and Postgres)
The file contains the following properties, as shown in Listing 2‑5:
*The ac.login and ac.password properties contain the account login name and password for the network machine that contains the installable Actuate BIRT product modules.
*The ac.package installation list contains the BIRT iHub modules to install. By default, the installation script installs options a and b, iHub with System Console and the embedded BIRT iHub Visualization Platform.
*The ac.homedir property specifies the path to the installation files if you do not run the installation script from the directory to which you extracted the files.
*The ac.downloadonly property specifies whether to download the product modules only and have no installation take place. Typically, leave this property at its default value, false, to install the modules.
*The ac.source property specifies the network path of the installation modules.
*On Linux, the ac.runasservice, ac.runasservice_username, and ac.runasservice_password have no effect.
*The value of ac.acceptlicense must be y to specify that you accept the software license terms. If this property is n, the BIRT iHub software installation does not proceed.
*The ac.ihub_cluster_schema_name and ac.ihub_postgres_port properties specify the cluster schema name and PostgreSQL RDBMS port, if necessary.
All path settings use forward slash (/) for the file separators. Do not use Windows, backward-slash (\) notation.
Listing 2‑5
#Tue, 11 Jun 2013 16:19:16 -0700
# By changing the value of the ac.acceptlicense parameter
# to “y” you agree to the terms of the license agreement
# in the file “license.pdf” located in the same folder as
# this parameter file.
#Advanced Settings
To obtain the list of installable modules and the corresponding letter settings, type the following command:
./ -list
This command lists the available packages specified in installation script, as shown in Listing 2‑6. Linux does not support Metrics Management, nor the BIRT Analytics Web modules, so these options do not appear for Linux.
Listing 2‑6 Available installation modules for Linux
a. System Console
b. BIRT iHub
c. Information Console
i. BIRT Analytics Core
l. BIRT iHub PostgreSQL Database
m. JDK
n. Content Services
Choose a module
How to extract the contents of the BIRT iHub distribution package
To extract the BIRT iHub run-time resources and configure the setup script, perform the following tasks.
1 Download the required files, iHub3.tar.gz, and the contents of the modules folder from the software distribution site.
2 Create a new folder into which to extract the installation files from the distribution archive file, such as /opt/actuate.
3 Extract the contents of iHub3.tar.gz to the folder created in the previous step.
How to run the command-line installation script on Linux
1 Navigate to the folder where you extracted the BIRT iHub package.
2 Open and read the file, license.pdf. You must agree to the license terms in order to install BIRT iHub.
3 Using a text editor, open and read the file, README. Then, close the file.
4 Using a text editor, open the file, as shown in Listing 2‑5, and perform the following tasks:
1 Modify the ac.login and ac.password properties to contain the account login and password for the network machine that contains the installable Actuate BIRT product modules.
2 By default, the installation script installs options a and b, iHub with System Console and the embedded BIRT iHub Visualization Platform. To obtain the list of installable modules and the corresponding letter settings, as shown in Listing 2‑6, type the following command:
./ -list
Modify the ac.package installation list, shown in Listing 2‑5, to contain the values for other BIRT iHub packages, such as a stand-alone Information Console, JDK, BIRT iHub PostgreSQL Database, Content Services, or BIRT Analytics.
3 Modify the ac.homedir property to specify the path to the installation files if you do not run the installation script from the directory to which you extracted the files.
4 Leave ac.downloadonly set to false.
5 Set ac.source to the network path of the installation modules.
6 Set ac.acceptlicense to y to accept the software license terms.
7 Uncomment ac.ihub_cluster_schema_name and ac.ihub_postgres_port, setting these two properties to the cluster schema name and PostgreSQL RDBMS port, if necessary.
8 Save and close the file.
5 Execute the script using the following command:
sh ./
Messages similar to the following ones appear:
Install will start now...
[echo] Downloading from given file system location
[echo] Verifying Checksum...
[echo] Completed verification
[echo] Extracting package System Console
[echo] Installing System Console. This may take a few minutes...
[echo] "Setup did not detect a valid JDK installation on your machine"
[echo] Downloading from given file system location
[echo] Verifying Checksum...
[echo] Extracting package JDK64
[echo] iHub3 prerequisite 64-bit JDK was missing. Setup will now install 64-bit JDK on your machine
[echo] Downloading from given file system location
[echo] Verifying Checksum...
[echo] Completed verification
[echo] Extracting package Actuate BIRT iHub
[echo] Installing Actuate BIRT iHub. This may take a few minutes...
[echo] already exists
[echo] Using existing value from
[echo] Using default PostgreSQL database port number 8432
[echo] Using default schema name
[echo] To access Information Console, use URL: http://localhost:8700/iportal
[echo] To access System Console, use URL: http://localhost:8500/sysconsole
[echo] Setup Completed
Total time: 3 minutes 34 seconds
installation complete