Checking for ports used by BIRT Analytics
BIRT Analytics processes use network ports to communicate. Before installation, ensure that the ports used by BIRT Analytics are available on the system. The ports used by BIRT Analytics are listed in Table 4‑1.
Table 4‑1 BIRT Analytics ports
BIRT Analytics module
Ports used
Required during and after installation:
8000, 8100, 8432, 8500, 8700, 9432
Required after installation:
8010, 8011, 11100, 11101, 12100, 13500, 14000, 14100, 14200, 15200, 18500, 21000, 21500
BIRT Analytics
For http communication:
80, 8105, 8110, 8114
For https communication:
443, 8106, 8109, 8113