Java servlets reference
Table 2‑11 lists and describes the Visualization Platform client Java servlets.
Table 2‑11 Actuate Visualization Platform client servlets
Visualization Platform client servlet
Downloads a file from the volume
Displays a BIRT report document
Displays a shibboleth-compliant login form
This section provides the detailed reference for Visualization Platform client servlets.
DownloadFile servlet
Downloads a file from the volume.
http://<web server>:<port>/<context root>/servlet/DownloadFile
URI parameters
Table 2‑12 lists and describes the URI parameters for the
DownloadFile servlet .
Table 2‑12 Parameters for DownloadFile URI
URI parameter
The unique identifier of an object, usually retrieved with the selectFilesFolders JSP tag.
The name of the object to download.
If true, a download prompt appears before moving a copy of the file. Otherwise, the servlet displays the file in the browser.
If name is specified, the version number of the object to view. If version is not specified, the latest version is retrieved.
Interactive Viewer servlet
Displays an Actuate BIRT report document with tools to affect the document and design files. The viewer has two modes, standard and interactive.
The Standard Viewer displays the report with toolbar options to save, print, show the TOC, and launch interactive mode, as shown in
Figure 2‑3 .
Figure 2‑3 Standard Viewer
The Interactive Viewer displays the report with toolbar options to navigate the report and provides context menus to edit and format report elements, as shown in
Figure 2‑4 .
Figure 2‑4 Interactive Viewer
http://<web server>:<port>/<context root>/iv
URI parameters
Table 2‑13 lists and describes the URI parameters for the
Interactive Viewer servlet .
Table 2‑13 Parameters for IV URI
URI parameter
Name of the element of a report to display instead of the whole report file
Boolean value to add a margin under the footer
A format for the displayed report:
pdf: Adobe PDF
xls: MS Excel
doc: MS Word
ppt: MS PowerPoint
ps: PostScript
html: HTML
flashchartsxml, flashgadgetsxml: used to display a fusion chart
reportlet: used together with __bookmark to show a particular part/element of the report
The page range of a report to display
The page style to use for a report in pdf or ps formats:
auto: The page size and content size remains the same.
actuateSize: Change the page size to fit the content.
fitToWholePage: Change the content size to fit the page size.
Used with the __format parameter
Name of the report file to display
Name of the report file to display
Boolean value that enables interactivity
Code for a locale
A number for a page to render
Name of the report file to display
Name of the report file to display
The name of the object to download
Contains the URL that accesses iHub, such as http://ESL02835:8000
The user’s identifier, required to log in to BIRT iHub
Contains a string value specifying the volume for this report
IDP User Password servlet
Displays a Shibboleth compliant login form used to log in to iHub 3, as shown in
Figure 2‑3 .
Figure 2‑1 IDP Login form
edu.internet2.middleware.shibboleth.idp.authn.provider. UsernamePasswordLoginServlet
http://<web server>:<port>/idp/Authn/UserPassword
URI parameters
Table 2‑13 lists and describes the URI parameters for the
Interactive Viewer servlet .
Table 2‑14 Parameters for IDP Login URI
URI parameter
Name of the element of a report to display instead of the whole report file
The user’s identifier, required to log in to BIRT iHub