Package | Contents |
com.actuate.activeportal.beans | JavaBeans that maintain information used by the Action classes. |
com.actuate.activeportal.forms | JavaBeans derived from the Jakarta Struts org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm object. These JavaBeans store and validate the request parameters in HTTP requests. |
com.actuate.activeportal.list | An interface, IContentList, that defines the behavior of lists of items such as files and folders. Several classes in com.actuate.activeportal.forms use this interface. |
Class | Description |
BrowseFileActionForm | Supports browsing through the available files, including using filters to search. |
CreateFolderActionForm | Supports creating a folder in the volume. |
FileFoldersPrivilegeActionForm | Stores information about file and folder access rights, the available users and roles, and so forth. Visualization Platform client uses this information to set up file and folder privileges. |
FileListActionForm | Retrieves a list of folders or files. This ActionForm supports setting filters specifying characteristics of objects. Stores the most recent list of items returned from iHub. |
GeneralFilterActionForm | The base ActionForm for several other ActionForms. Provides methods that handle filters to select which items the iHub returns. For example, you can request all folders and only the most recent version of all executable files. |
GetFileDetailsActionForm | Stores the details of a file or folder. AcGetFileDetailsAction gets the details and stores them in this JavaBean. |
SearchFilesActionForm | Stores information about the filter set by the user in the Search page. Jakarta Struts uses the filter to retrieve the list of files from the iHub and store them in this form. |
Class | Description |
LinkBean | Generates an HTML link tag using the link, linkAttributes, and text properties. By default, the link class is hyperlink. After setting these properties, use the toString( ) method to generate an HTML link tag in the following format: <A HREF="link" linkAttributes>text</A> |
Class | Description |
BaseActionForm | The base ActionForm for all other Visualization Platform client ActionForms. Provides methods related to postback. |
PingActionForm | Stores information used by the ping action. Ping detects the status of Visualization Platform client and iHub communication. |
Class | Description |
GeneralFilterActionForm | Serves as a base ActionForm for several other ActionForms. Provides methods that handle filters to select which items the iHub returns. For example, you can request all folders and only the most recent version of all executable files. |
GetJobDetailsActionForm | Stores detail information on jobs. AcGetJobDetailsAction uses this class to store and retrieve the job detail information for display. |
JobActionForm | The base ActionForm for SubmitJobActionForm. Stores values used in submitting a job, such as the document, parameters, and schedule. |
SelectJobsActionForm | Contains the list of job properties for a scheduled, running, pending, or completed job. |
SubmitJobActionForm | Contains the information for submitting a job from the requester page. This class extends JobActionForm. |
Class | Description |
FeatureOptionsBean | Stores the features available to the current user. It contains Visualization Platform client functionality levels and reporting features on the iHub the user is using. Access this class using UserInfoBean.getFeatureBean( ). |
ProfileBean | Stores the user profile settings obtained from the iHub. Access this class by using UserInfoBean.getProfile( ). |
UserAgentBean | Detects what kind of browser the user is using from the HTTP header user-agent. After instantiating this JavaBean, you must call setRequest(HttpServletRequest request). Get the browser type by calling isIE( ), isNS4( ), and isNS6( ) methods. |
UserInfoBean | Contains information about the user, such as the user’s volume name, iHub URL, and authentication ID assigned by the iHub. Several methods also affect the display and highlighting of features. |
Class | Description |
LoginForm | Stores information about the user ID, server URL, volume, and other information specified during login. |
UserOptionsActionForm | Stores the selected choices on the options page, including the view, experience level, and e‑mail ID. This form supports changing these options. |
Method | Description |
getAcLocale( ) | Gets the AcLocale object specifying the Actuate locale for the current user. |
getAdminRights( ) | Gets the administrator rights of the current user. If the user is not an administrator or operator, this method returns null. An administrator or application sets these rights when creating a user. |
getAuthid( ) | Gets a String containing the authentication ID returned by the iHub for this user during login. Use this authentication ID in IDAPI calls. |
getCurrentfolder( ) | Gets a string containing the name of the most recent folder accessed by the user. |
getDefaultServerURL( ) | Gets a string for the URL to use for the default server for the user. |
getDefaultVolume( ) | Gets the volume name from the VOLUME_DEFAULT tag in <context root>\WEB-INF\web.xml. |
getFeatureOptionsBean( ) | Gets a JavaBean that stores the features and iHub options that are available to the current user. |
getFeatures( ) | Gets a list of all features defined in the functionality‑level.config file. |
getFilter( ) | Gets a string containing the filter the user most recently typed into the search field of the Documents page. If the user has not typed a filter, this method returns null. |
getHomefolder( ) | Gets a string specifying the user’s home folder. An administrator or application sets this value when creating a user. |
getIportalid() | Gets a string specifying the Visualization Platform client session id. |
getLocale( ) | Gets the current login user’s java.util.Locale object. |
getMaxJobPriority( ) | Gets the maximum job priority permitted for this user. An administrator or application sets this value when creating a user. |
getOnlylatest( ) | Gets the string “true” if the filter on the Documents page specifies showing only the most recent version of each file. |
getPassword( ) | Gets a string containing the user’s password. |
getProfile( ) | Gets the ProfileBean. This JavaBean stores information about the user’s settings on the Visualization Platform client options page. This information includes current view, experience level, and so on. |
getProperty(java.lang.String name) | Gets a string containing the value of a custom property having the name passed as a parameter. Create custom properties and set their values using setProperty( ). |
getRepositoryType() | Gets a string specifying the type of repository that the user is accessing as: workgroup: local file system enterprise: a volume |
getRoleNames( ) | Gets an array of strings containing a list of the user’s feature roles. |
getServerurl( ) | Gets the URL of the server to which the current user is logged in. This URL includes the protocol and the port. For example: http://localhost:9000. |
getShowdocuments( ) | Gets the string “true” if the filter on the Documents page specifies including documents. |
getShowexecutables( ) | Gets the string “true” if the filter on the Documents page specifies including executable files. |
getShowfolders( ) | Gets the string “true” if the filter on the Documents page specifies including folders. |
getSideBarFeatures( ) | Gets the list of features available to this user on the side menu, tabs, the tree, or equivalent structure. Some features, such as customization, are not part of this set. |
getSidebarSelected( ) | Gets the URL for the feature selected on the side menu, tab, tree, or equivalent structure. This method is used to highlight a feature in the sidebar. |
getSubfeatures( ) | Gets a collection containing a list of all subFeatures defined in <context root>\WEB-INF\functionality-level.config. |
getSystemname( ) | Gets a string containing the name of the iHub machine. |
getTimezone( ) | Gets the AcTimeZone object specifying the time zone for the current user. |
getUserAgent( ) | Gets the UserAgentBean object for the user. UserAgentBean detects the user’s browser type. |
getUserid( ) | Gets the userID of the current user. |
getView( ) | Gets the string specifying the current view for this user. |
getVolume( ) | Gets the string specifying the volume that the user is accessing. |
init( ) | Initializes the UserInfoBean members. |
isAlwaysGetFolderList( ) | Returns True if the Documents page should always show the folder list, even if it is not selected on the filter. |
isHomeFolderSet( ) | Returns True if the user has a home folder specified in the volume. |
isShowFilters( ) | Returns True if the filter panel is shown for all lists of documents, jobs, and subscriptions. |
isViewInNewBrowserWindow( ) | Returns True if the report viewer is specified to launch in a new browser window. |
toString( ) | Returns a string representation of the object. |
Method | Description |
setAcLocale(com.actuate.reportcast.utils.AcLocale acLocale) | Sets the Actuate locale for the current user with the specified AcLocale object. Also changes the Java locale. |
setAlwaysGetFolderList(boolean b) | Set to True if the Documents page should always show the folder list, even if it is not selected on the filter. |
setAuthid(java.lang.String authid) | Sets the authentication ID to the string passed in as a parameter. The authentication ID is returned by the BIRT iHub and set for the user during login. Use getAuthid( ) to use this authentication ID in IDAPI calls. |
setCurrentfolder(java.lang.String currentfolder) | Sets the string specifying the most recent folder name accessed by the user. |
setDefaultServerURL(java.lang.String defaultServerURL) | Sets the URL to use as a default value for users. |
setDefaultVolume(java.lang.String defaultVolume) | Sets the volume to use if no volume name is specified by the URL in the request. By default, Visualization Platform client sets the default volume to the value in the VOLUME_DEFAULT tag in <context root>\WEB-INF\web.xml. |
setFeatureOptions(FeatureOptionsBean featureOptionsBean) | Sets a list of all Visualization Platform client features and iHub options that are available to the current user. |
setFilter(java.lang.String filter) | Sets the string specifying the filter to use as a default value in the Documents page. Visualization Platform client sets this String to the filter that the user most recently typed into the search field of the Documents page. |
setHomefolder(java.lang.String string) | Sets the string specifying the user’s home folder. An administrator or application sets this value when creating a user. |
setMaxJobPriority(int priority) | Sets the maximum job priority permitted for this user. An administrator sets this value for a user. |
setOnlylatest(java.lang.String onlylatest) | Sets value to indicate if only latest version of the documents are to be displayed in the file folder list. “true” sets Visualization Platform client to show only the most recent version of each file. |
setPassword(java.lang.String password) | Sets the password to the value of the string passed as a parameter. |
setProfile( ) | Sets the ProfileBean. This JavaBean stores information about the user’s settings on the Visualization Platform client options page. This information includes current view, experience level, and so on. |
setProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value) | Sets the value of a custom property. Create custom properties and set their values using this method. The parameters are the name of the custom property and the value to set. |
setRoleNames(java.lang.String[] strings[]) | Sets a list of the user’s feature roles, such as Administrator. |
setServerurl(java.lang.String surl) | Sets the server URL currently used by the user. This URL includes the protocol and the port, for example: http://localhost:9000. |
setShowdocuments(java.lang.String showdocuments) | Sets the value to indicate if documents are to be displayed in the file folder list. “true” sets Visualization Platform client to display documents. |
setShowexecutables(java.lang.String showexecutables) | Sets the value to indicate if executables are to be displayed in the file folder list. “true” sets Visualization Platform client to display executables. |
setShowFilters(boolean showFilters) | Set to True to specify that Visualization Platform client display the filter panel for all pages showing lists of files, jobs, or subscriptions. |
setShowfolders(java.lang.String showfolders) | Sets the value to indicate if folders are to be displayed in the file folder list. “true” sets Visualization Platform client to display folders. |
setSideBarFeatures(com.actuate.activeportal.functionality.config.Feature[] feature) | Sets the list of features available to this user on the side menu, tabs, the tree, or equivalent structure. This list is a subset of the features available to the user. |
setSidebarSelected(java.lang.String sideBarSelected) | Sets the feature highlighted on the side menu, tab, tree, or equivalent structure. To highlight a feature, pass a string containing the URI invoked by the feature. To not highlight any features, pass a string, such as “No highlighting”, that does not match the URI for any feature in the side menu. By default, Visualization Platform client highlights the Documents feature. |
setSystemname(java.lang.String systemName) | Sets the iHub system name to the value of the string parameter. |
setTimezone(com.actuate.reportcast.utils.AcTimeZone timezone) | Sets the AcTimeZone object specifying the user’s time zone. |
setUserAgent(UserAgentBean userAgent) | Sets the UserAgentBean for this user. The UserAgentBean specifies the user’s browser type. |
setUserid(java.lang.String userid) | Sets the user ID for the user. |
setView(java.lang.String string) | Sets the current view for the user. The string contains the name of the constant for the desired view. The available constants are: AcConstants.VIEW_CATEGORY AcConstants.VIEW_LIST AcConstants.VIEW_DETAIL AcConstants.VIEW_ICON |
setViewInNewBrowserWindow(boolean _newWindow) | Set to True to specify that the report viewer launch in a new browser window. |
setVolume(java.lang.String volume) | Sets the value of the string specifying the name of the volume the user is accessing. |