Deploying a report to an Encyclopedia volume
Test page-level security by deploying the sample design to the Encyclopedia volume. For example, a report may shows information about the sales reps in the following city offices:
User1 has access to the pages with information about NYC office, user2 to the Boston office, and user3 to the Philadelphia office. The file, user.acls, contains the following access control list specifications:
To deploy the sample design to an Encyclopedia volume, perform the following steps:
1 Using BIRT iHub Visualization Platform, log in to the Encyclopedia volume as Administrator.
2 In Documents, choose Upload to upload the design to the Encyclopedia volume.
3 In Documents, from the design file drop-down list, choose Run to execute the design.
On Parameters, enter parameters as appropriate. Choose Finish to complete the running of the report and generate an output document.
The administrator is able to see all three offices.
User1 can only see the information for the NYC office, as shown in Figure 29‑4.
Figure 29‑4 Example of document output
To change the assignments in the file, user.acls, wait for the volume cache time-out period. Alternatively, put the Encyclopedia volume offline, restart the BIRT iHub application container, then take the Encyclopedia volume online again before checking to see if the changes are effective.